Friday, October 23, 2009

Brent Bozell Takes On the Lying Left Media for their Character Assassination: Go, Brent, Go!


  1. Actually, it is true that they do have a point. While there are people out there that think Rush Limbaugh is a racist, the guys at CNN have a responsibility to make sure that the extremist view is not all that is being said. There needs to be both liberal and conservative viewpoints aired aloud on CNN when Sanchez reads from his Twitter/Facebook page.

    However (to be devil's advocate), I feel as if they are misinterpreting it -- you can't control the variety of CNN-Twitter's comments as much as I can control mine. And it is also true that some people think Rush Limbaugh is a racist, no matter what another person might say. The only way to remedy this situation would probably to be to give comments from all viewpoints, no matter what is said.

    And speaking of viewpoints, here's another liberal bias for you from the Washington Post on the dissident "Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good." Guess there's more liberal bias to conquer, eh? (*wink*)

  2. I'm not sure who you mean by "they" and the "extremist view." In my humble opinion (and I think you'd agree) the extremists are people like Chris Matthews and Katie Couric who masquerade as reporters while they shill for all things liberal. And while they are going after Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives as "extremists" they shamelessly slant the news. Chris Matthews practically wets his pants every time he mentions Obama.

    So I have to laugh when these paragons of neutrality point their shaking fingers at the "hatemonger extremists" like Rush. Meanwhile, most of their fingers are pointing back at themselves. So who are the hatemongers?
