Saturday, October 3, 2009

Catholic Medical Association Calls Obamacare "Dangerous"

"[The approach] is dangerous given the current Administration’s repeated
failures to accord proper respect for the dignity of human life."


Open Letter to Catholics and Catholic Organizations

September 21, 2009

Members of the Catholic Medical Association have been carefully monitoring the process and content of the health-care reform debate from our unique perspective as Catholic physicians. We are familiar with contributions made to the national debate by other Catholic organizations. As efforts to enact health-care reform legislation intensify, we would like to share our perspective on some prudential aspects of health-care reform and work collaboratively with others to shape legislation in harmony with the Catholic faith. These thoughts reflect years of experience serving patients and families in medical practice while endeavoring to apply the full
spectrum of Catholic medical-moral and social teaching.

We believe we are facing a crisis.... Read more

1 comment:

  1. The actions of Barak Obama have proven to be those of a facist leader. From Indefinite Detention to Van Jones, Diversity Czar, I am worried about the future of out Republic. Obama's healthcare plans ARE dangerous and I believe that we are headed for nationalized health care. This will be a major mistake on behalf of Obama and it will be the most dangerous to Senior Citizens. I am really starting to believe in the hidden agenda idea of depopulation based on the recent actions of our president.
