Monday, October 26, 2009

It's all happening behind closed doors!

Health reform written behind closed doors

Obama promised during his campaign that his would be the most transparent administration in history. But as Americans are learning more and more every day, the only open doors are for his liberal cronies while those who disagree with his policies are locked out, libeled, and laughed at. Those are the tactics of the Alinskyite community organizer. Freeze your enemy, i.e., lock him out. Libel him with lies if it advances the cause since the end justifies the means, and use ridicule as a potent weapon. Obama has the first two strategies down pat. But the third is elusive because, let's face it, the guy and his buddies have no sense of humor. He's arrogant and nasty when it comes to dealing with his "enemies list." So he gets his hit team to attack Rush (a master humorist) but he just ends up looking petty and unprofessional. Rahm Emmanuel's dead fish look and Anita Dunn's shrill attacks on Fox are about as funny as a skunk caught in a humane trap. What the heck do you do with it?

As for the open door -- it never existed. The door was locked up tight from the gitgo with Rahm Emanuel demanding the password and only admitting Pelosi-Reid look-alike talking dolls (and unelected cabinet czars) with wind up keys in back. Turn the key and out comes one of the following approved messages:

"Mmm...mmm...mmm...Barack Hussein Obama."

"The American people want the public option, the public option, the public option."

"Rush Limbaugh is a hatemonger."

"We love the public option, the public option, the public option."

"Glenn Beck is a hatemonger."

"The insurance industry is greedy."

"Fox News stinks."

"Chris Matthews, Katie Couric, and Charlie Gibson are our comrades. Glenn Beck is a traitor!"

"MSNBC sends a thrill up my leg."

This administration that promised to work across the aisle was serious. They just planned to make sure that both sides of the aisle were filled with socialists. Let's pray the upcoming elections give them a big dose of reality.


  1. Anna Quindlen never has had an abortion and you should apologize for printing something that is untrue.

  2. It's possible my memory mixed her up with another reporter, but in view of her enthusiastic support for abortion, it was an understandable error, if, in fact, it is an error. I'll do some research on it. But why should anyone take an anonymous comment as accurate?

  3. After reading dozens of Anna Quindlen's articles I am convinced she has aborted, if not in an abortion clinic, then through the pill. Her advocacy for murdering children is so strident, her condemnation of pro-lifers so vicious, that there is something behind her ideology and, like I said in the original post, - it's probably guilt.

    I will pray for Anna Quindlen, but I will not apologize to her. She has demonized me (a pro-life activist) as a terrorist. Well, this terrorist provided a shelter home for over a dozen unwed moms and their unborn babies. I spent years counseling on the sidewalks in all kinds of weather and working at a crisis pregnancy center to help women in crisis pregnancies. And I know a guilty conscience when I see it.
