Monday, October 5, 2009

Photos from our Woodstock Life Chain

Life Chain is an entry level event to give people a taste of pro-life activism in a low-key, non-threatening way. Our Life Chain in Woodstock, VA yesterday was the first one here and we had about 175 people participate from three churches. Afterwards we had a get-together in the church hall and you could feel the excitement and energy of the people there. The pro-life prayer and witness engendered lots of honks and thumbs up as people drove through town. The children really enjoyed the honks and waves. What a great way to introduce little ones to their responsibility to witness in society. Several mentioned today that they spoke to others who were sorry they couldn't come. Life Chain is a little thing with great potential. I'm going to post the nearest 40 Days for Life Campaign and invite members of the parish to join in. Prayer and public witness save lives!

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