Thursday, October 22, 2009

We Have a Short Window to Expose the CCHD; Let's Do It!

I sent this notice out to my e-mail list yesterday and it's worth reminding folks again. I hope you'll visit the video at YouTube, boost the views, and pass it on to your friends. Catholics don't let Catholics support CCHD. Many of the groups they support work directly against Catholic goals. Would you buy a white hood for a member of the KKK? If not, then stop letting CCHD fund networks that include pro-abortion, pro-homosexual groups that hate the Church and her teaching. It just doesn't make sense!

October 21st

Dear Friends:

The Catholic Media Collection (CMC) has posted a two-minute video on YouTube warning Catholics about supporting the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. This scandalous collection has poured millions of dollars into liberal groups over the past thirty years while telling people in the pews the money goes to help "the poor." Some of it does. So what? Would you drink a glass of water that was one third sewage? The CCHD collection verges on fraud!

The only reason CCHD stopped funding ACORN was because of embezzlement by one of the board members. The bishops didn't address ACORN's horrible agenda which has been all too obvious in recent months. The pretense that ending funding to ACORN has eliminated the scandal is ridiculous when you consider that many of the other community organizing groups receiving money operate exactly like ACORN does and are engageing in the same type of liberal lobbying.

Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) receives 15-17% of the collections. Its affiliates bus people to meetings to pressure politiicans to make the "right" liberal choice. Fr. Tuck Grinnell here in the Arlington Diocese provided 5 or 6 buses for one IAF VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement). meeting. One of their big issues is immigration reform. While their website talks about improving processing time for "legal" immigrants, Fr. Grinnell is using VOICE to advocate for "comprehensive immigration reform" and sponsored a forum featuring pro-abortion Catholic Jim Moran who favors blanket amnesty for illegal aliens as well as in-state tuition and other goodies. VOICE received $40,000 in the 2009 CCHD grant cycle.

Please pass this video on to your Catholic friends. If they want more information send them to the CMC website which has numerous articles on CCHD. They can also visit SperoForum and google Stephanie Block. This disgrace has gone on long enough. Many parishes are running in the red. Why are millions being funneled to secular groups that often have an agenda diametrically opposed to the Church?

Mary Ann Kreitzer

"The first law of history is not to dare to utter falsehood; the second, not to fear to speak the truth."
Pope Leo XIII


  1. How is giving people much needed dental care they cannot afford, helping them live in humane places, and live decently turned into "liberal lobbying" by VOICE, in your own words? You should be ashamed of yourself for turning your back on th eneedy. "When did you see me hungry?" Ever heard of that?

  2. Give me a break. The eleven parishes in the VOICE network have spent about $130,000 dollars in DUES to the Industrial Areas Foundation. And that doesn't count the other 30 or so churches in the network. That money is used for salaries of the organizers so they can LOBBY the government. Consider if that money had been used to seed a free dental clinic.

    Government charity is an oxymoron. Community organizing to lobby for government charity is even more of a lie. Fr. Tuck Grinnell is a socialist.

    And I am not ashamed to tell the truth. My husband and I have been a shelter home for unwed moms and have been foster parents. We didn't get one red cent for the 15 women who lived with us, nor did we expect it. I've worked as a volunteer to save unborn babies and in a lot of other capacities. THAT IS WHAT CHARITY IS! Not paying a community organizing group to lobby the government to tax the citizens to get your pet project passed.

    VOICE is all about empowering the organizers not the poor. Look at ACORN. IAF is the same kind of group.

    Compare Mother Teresa and her sisters to IAF and tell me that IAF is the real charity. Get real!

