Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ave Maria Stoops to New Low by Banning Journalist from Property

Ave Maria Town is the home of Catholic journalist Marielena Montesino de Stuart. It's also home to Ave Maria University, the school founded by Tom Monahan, the Domino's Pizza giant. Since its founding the university has been beset by problems related to its iron-fisted handling of a number of situations. First it was moving from Ann Arbor, MI and breaking promises to numerous faculty and staff there. Then it was demanding the move of the law school which not only broke more promises, but destroyed its excellent standing and threatened its accreditation. Ave Maria fired Fr. Joseph Fessio - twice, the second time during summer vacation apparently to avoid student protests and adverse publicity.

With Mrs. de Stuart, the iron fist is up close and personal. The university has banned her from its property. But much of Ave Maria town belongs to the university so the de Stuart family who live there are forbidden from their own neighborhood. FOX news covered the story which described how her children are now afraid to leave the house. Makes one thrilled at the thought of living in that town, doesn't it?

That this type of action could take place at a campus founded specifically to advance orthodox Catholicism is shocking, but it's become typical of how Ave Maria operates. Fr. Fessio was fired (the second time) because he PRIVATELY took concerns about the financial stability of the university to the head of the board of directors. Obviously the stability of Ave Maria town is directly related to the health of the university, so Mrs. de Stuart's concern is well founded.

Ave Maria's unchristian behavior has brought criticism from notable Catholics like eminent lawyer Charles Rice and others. The destruction of the Ave Maria Law School and the treatment of several of the faculty members is, as Rice puts it, "beyond contempt."

My husband and I welcomed Ave Maria with outstretched arms. We signed up for the Founders' Club and began giving a monthly donation. When things started to come apart early on we reluctantly withdraw. We felt the blow to the law school in Ann Arbor personally because we knew several friends with children there.

Those who criticize Ave Maria and have any connections at all that make them vulnerable to the wrath of Tom Monaghan can expect reprisal. Marielena Montesino de Stuart settled in Ave Maria Town with high hopes that it would be a truly Catholic experience. What's happening to her now sounds like hell. That it is being done in the name of a university named after the Blessed Mother is not only appalling, but a crucifixion.

Tom Monaghan seems like a sincere man who wants to spend his fortune doing good. De Stuart doesn't question the motives of him or anyone involved in the Ave Maria venture, but one can't help but wonder that a man, who claims he divested himself of his luxuries to pursue a Catholic vision has gone about it like a tyrant. One thing that makes me scratch my head about his comments on pride is the fact that he designed the church for the town. What exactly qualifies the pizza king to design a church, which has been widely criticized. View the videos below and judge for yourself what's

Pray for all who have been hurt during the building of this so-called Catholic University and town and pray especially for Tom Monaghan. A man with money who can call the shots that impact people's lives had better be sure he's doing God's will.


  1. I think it is important to note the context of her ban. AMU is naming a new building on campus after Tom Golisano, a billionaire from New York who gave $1 million to the DNC last year for Barack Obama's convention. Golisano is three-times divorced and has given millions to NARAL-endorsed pro-choice politicians in New York -- 50 of them in 2008 as noted here

    The behavior of Monaghan and Ave Maria, as a "Catholic" university, is simply repugnant.

  2. I agree. This is not defensible. The pattern I have seen at Ave Maria is to get people like Keith Fournier to defend the indefensible and call all the critics uncharitable. But is it an act of charity to suppress the truth? And if the new donor has had a change of heart and is now pro-life, why can he not retract his former position, which was a scandal for a Catholic to hold?

  3. The Wanderer Retracts “False Statements” About Ave Maria

    The editor of The Wanderer has publicly retracted “false statements” that were published in the weekly newspaper about the town of Ave Maria and Ave Maria University.

    In a statement titled “Retraction and Correction,” published in the April 29 edition of The Wanderer, Editor Alphonse J. Matt Jr. apologized for six different errors in fact that appeared in stories published in August, 2009, and January, 2010. Both stories were written by Ave Maria town resident Marielena Montesino de Stuart.

  4. And the truth about Monaghan and his power/control keeps coming out:
