Thursday, November 19, 2009

But Islam is a "Religion of Peace"

Ariz. woman allegedly hit with car by Iraqi father dies

We hear the mantra repeated over and over: "Islam is a religion of peace." But the stories of violence, allowed under Sharia law and the Koran, proliferate. Especially heinous are the honor killings where fathers kill their own children for perceived violations. Women are second class citizens, to be sure. According to Paul Sperry's book, Infiltration, the Dar al Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, VA has a separate back entrance for women who aren't allowed to worship with the men. (Perhaps they have separate water fountains and lunch counters as well.) Sharia Law allows the "honor killing" this father committed against his daughter.

When I was working at AAA Women for Choice in Manassas, we had a teenage Muslim client who didn't want an abortion, but feared being murdered by her family. We were trying to find her a safe house. All this from the "religion of peace."

If a Catholic father killed his daughter because she was behaving in an immoral way, the media would play it up for weeks. But Muslim honor killings are given little attention because exposing them violates the politically correct mantra of Islam as a "religion of peace."

Islam allows husbands to beat their wives, fathers to kill their children, and followers of Allah to kill "infidels," i.e., unbelievers. Some relgion of peace! Muslims who convert to Christianity have to watch their backs because converts are subject to execution by the "religion of peace." Pray for the safety of Muslim converts and for more conversions to the true religion of peace under Jesus Christ the king! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for them.

1 comment:

  1. I am not a Muslim,nevertheless I think Islam is not a bad religion. I think it is a good religion and it helped me very much, in my life. They do not exist bad religions, but only few not honest men who exploit the religious feelings of the people.
    The book I have recently written may help in this direction and I want to draw it to your attention. The title is "Travels Of The Mind" and it is available at
    If you have any question, I am most willing to discuss about this topic.
    Ettore Grillo
