Friday, November 6, 2009

House Call on the Capitol: I Was There and it Was Impressive!

I trecked down to the Congressional House Call yesterday with a friend. What an impressive crowd! These aren't party Republicans, they're grassroots tea party activists and they know what they're doing. The enthusiasm was electric with the crowd chanting, "Kill the bill!" and cheering the speakers who warned about the government taking over another big aspect of our lives.

My friend and I joined the tea party delegation from Virginia who were assigning small delegations to lobby specific Congressmen. Unfortunately because of our parking situation (We cruised Union Station's massive parking deck fruitlessly for half an hour along with scores of others, but ended up in a two-hour street spot east of the Capitol) we couldn't stay as long as we wanted. But the time we were there was encouraging.

Think of anybody being able to mobilize thousands of activists in the middle of the week on six days notice. That's what Michele Bachman did. Talk about girl power! Wow! And the crowd was overflowing with young under thirties.

I wish I'd remembered my camera because one man had a homemade model of the Capitol on a pole with three very realistic hairy rat bodies wearing the heads of Nancy Pelosi (complete with necklace), Harry Reid, and President Obama. The man could have made a mint if he'd charged for all the folks getting their pictures taken with him. His display made me laugh and my friend and I joked that he should have had an exterminator with him. But I guess that's what all of us in the crowd were -- telling Congress, you rats vote for this stinking government takeover of health care and you're outta here! The creativity of these folks is amazing. I haven't joined a tea party group, but my two experiences with their activities has shown me a friendy, enthusiastic group of patriotic Americans who are upbeat, creative, and determined to take back our government.

We'd better hurry up.

Thirty-five years ago pro-lifers predicted that the next step after government-promoted abortion would be government-promoted euthanasia. This health care bill is the next big step toward eliminating the vulnerable. We're not just fighting for the unborn anymore. We're fighting for ourselves. You senior citizens who belong to the AARP need to resign now because their endorsement of this bill proves they don't give a hoot about your interests.

KILL THE BILL. Call your congressman today. The Capitol Switchboard number is 202-224-3121. If your congressman opposes the bill, thank him and call speaker Pelosi's office to complain. If your congressman supports it let him know you want reform that's real reform, not a government takeover of health care.

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