Monday, November 2, 2009

Thank You, Dede Scozzafava!

Well, I have to give the scuzzy RINO in New York, Dede Scozzafava, credit. She did what most conservatives haven't been able to do. She got the Republican National Committee to put out an ad promoting conservatism. They don't mention Doug Hoffman by name (and unfortunately they don't mention the pro-life and pro-family issues) but they definitely promote fiscal conservativism in New York's 23rd district. Now the big question is, why on earth the GOP endorsed Scuzzy in the first place. Withdrawing from the race and endorsing the Democrat showed just what a hypocrite this woman is. So why does the GOP keep letting these phonies play the party for patsies. All the RINOs need to start facing real conservatives in their primary races. Olympia Snowe, Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, etc. Stop giving them a free ride. And may the tea party express continue to promote true conservatism regardless of party and stop backing the folks who support party over principles, i.e., party with no principles!

RNC Radio Ad For Hoffman: 'Fight Back,' Vote Conservative

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