Saturday, November 7, 2009

There's More than One Way to Use a Logo!

If you haven't watched the video I posted yesterday, take a look and you'll understand what got me thinking about the signature logo of the great O and looking at bumper stickers using it to send a contrary message. All these bumper stickers except one use the Obama logo to mock the messiah-in-chief. And the last one I designed myself at Build a Sign. I will proudly display it on my bumper and pray the rosary that the Lord saves us from wicked leaders.

A lot of folks should put this one on their bumper:

My mom probably wouldn't approve of the next one, but it made me (and my husband) laugh. Anything that makes you laugh these days (a good healthy laugh, not a lewd snicker) is a winner in my book.

Another LOL because it's so true. Every time Obama opens his mouth he's whining about Bush, whining about the Republicans, whining about the taxpayers, whining about Creigh Deeds, whining about the tea party activists, etc., etc., (yawn), etc....

I read somewhere that giving Obama the Nobel prize was like giving an athlete the Heisman Trophy for what he might do in the future. He should be embarrassed and it was laughable as this bumper sticker illustrates:

Another on-target message. The selling of socialism goes on with oily promises served up in a useless elixir that tastes bad and is likely to poison the consumer.

Lots of folks (especially the independents) have poured out the Kool-Aid and are refilling the pitcher with tea.

This next sticker is no laughing matter because it's true. And the liberals are going about it with haste. If we don't stop them, the American ship may sink.

All I can say about this one is YES! YES! YES! Start working now for pro-life politicians at the grass roots. Let's build momentum for a serious change with our eyes on the 2010 midterm elections and then on to 2012.

We've seen lots of isms last century and they continue to influence the early years of the 21st. I'm interested in only two isms: Catholicism and patriotism.

Joe Wilson got beat up, but his spontaneous outburst was the normal reaction of a real man distressed at hearing a baldfaced liar trying to sell his bill of goods to the country. May he win re-election in a landslide!

I like this next one a lot, but wondered if a lot of people (considering the dumbing down of America) just wouldn't get it. Do kids even learn about Samuel Morse any more? Sadly, sending messages these days is all about texting (or maybe sexting).

So I decided to rework it in letters with a message for the people of God. I went to Build a sign and here's what I got. What do you think?

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