Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Woo-Hoo! It's a Crushing Sweep in Virginia! Thanks be to God!

Congratulations to the pro-life trio in Virginia in a clean sweep of the executive offices. While they mostly ran on economic issues, none of the candidates hid their pro-life views. Ken Cuccinelli, especially, is known for his firm pro-life, pro-family convictions.

Ken's big win proves that pro-lifers don't need to run from and hide their beliefs. When the issues are framed properly, the life issues will not damage candidates and can actually help them. How many women out there who've had abortions recognize the truth when a candidate says, "We can do better for women than abortion."

I have to say I'm really happy tonight. I've spent a lot of election nights knowing beforehand that my candidates would lose. Tonight they are all in the big win column including my favorite Virginia delegate, Bob Marshall who with 76% of polls reporting is winning 62% to 38%.

Take a good look at the Virginia state seal. This is Virginia's statement against tyrants in every age of history whether King George III of England or Barack Obama of Hawaii (or Kenya).

Thank you, God, for giving Virginia such strong leaders. The Commonwealth may have been named for the "virgin" queen of England (a misnomer for sure), but I prefer to think that, in God's providence, she was named after the Blessed Virgin, the Queen of heaven and earth. May this birthplace of liberty, the home of George Washington, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, George Mason, James Madison, and scores of other patriots become the new birthplace of pro-life freedom. Please pray for Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling, Ken Cuccinelli, Bob Marshall, and all the other pro-life legislators elected tonight in Virginia.

God bless them all.

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