Monday, December 21, 2009

Stop Abortion: NO EXCEPTIONS!

Since the beginning of the abortion wars (which started years before Roe v. Wade), the life of the mother exception has been standard fare in many legislative bills. But the fact of the matter is that language including a "life of the mother" exception is unnecessary and dangerous.

First of all, if the mother's health is so precarious that carrrying the baby is likely to kill her, an abortion, which is a serious surgical procedure, is dangerous as well. A doctor who considers both patients will balance the risks to both and deliver the baby early if necessary to give both mom and child the best chance for survival.

In point of fact, there are almost no cases where a mother must sacrifice her own child to save her life. In the case of uterine cancer or an ectopic pregnancy where the baby is growing in the fallopian tube, procedures are done that are NOT abortions. The diseased organs are removed. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy surgery is generally done before six weeks. One doctor who removed a diseased tube described the baby as "swimming with a natural swimmer's stroke." Unless artificial wombs or a method is developed to transfer babies to the womb, there is no hope for survival at present, but these surgeries are not abortions. In the case of a cancerous uterus, the diseased organ is removed and, once again, if the baby is too little to survive, he or she will die, but that is a secondary result and not the intent of the operation.

The Catholic church allows these procedures under the principle of double effect. The purpose of the surgery is not to kill the baby, but to remove the diseased organs. The primary intent is curing the mom of the disease, the secondary effect is the death of the baby who cannot be saved. There can never be a direct attack on the little one as happens in abortion where the death of the baby is desired and sought and a surviving child is considered a "complication."

Some mothers facing cancer have chosen their babies' lives over their own and have refused treatment, which is a heroic action. They delay anything that threatens the baby as long as possible which may or may not reduce their own chances of survival. Saint Gianna Molla is a modern saint who put her baby first. Last year, LifeSiteNews reported on another. Some women begin chemotherapy while still pregnant but follow a different regimen that poses fewer risks to the child. There are many options with modern medicine. Killing the baby is not treatment.

A few cases have been reported where unborn babies have saved their mothers' lives. In one, a mother with kidney failure had the baby's kidneys take over for her diseased ones. In another, twins kicked the mother so hard, a tumor growing in her cervix was dislodged.

The life of the mother exception is bogus and often becomes a loophole allowing any and every abortion. For example, Roe v. Wade said that in the third trimester the state could limit and even ban abortion unless it was necessary to preserve "the life or health" of the mother. The companion decision, Doe v. Bolton defined "health" to include the woman's physical and mental health, her family situation, and her age. In other words she could have an abortion because she was too young, too old, had all the children she wanted already, or felt depressed.

It's time for all politicians who describe themselves as "pro-life" to take a "no exceptions" stand against abortion. And groups that call themselves pro-life should do the same. Describing a bill as "pro-life" when it allows exception for rape, incest, and life of the mother is a deceit. No matter how life begins, there are no accidents with God and he doesn't make mistakes. If we don't respect the life of every one of His little ones threatened by abortion, we kid ourselves that we are pro-life!

Unborn baby saves mother's life after pregnancy hormones reveal she has a deadly brain tumour

How my twins saved my life by kicking loose a tumour while still in my womb

Baby survives Mom's chemo in womb
Why the Life of the Mother is Not a Valid Exception for Abortion


  1. Thanks for writing that article. Indeed, I have been wondering for some time on why people who claim that they're "pro-life" don't want abolition, especially in politics.

    It just seems contradictory that they don't want abortion ("except in some cases") -- a life is a life! Come on!

    Just a little side note, here's something on health care that I'd like to put up on what our bishops will do next about this thing.

  2. Wouldn't it make sense for doctors to write the laws regarding abortion in clarifying when the life of the mother is concerned?

  3. Doctors don't make laws.
