Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ah, the hypocrisy of the liberal left

My mom was fond of the old saying, "Practice what you preach." The proverb came to mind as I read about a North Carolina state senator,R.C. Soles, who shot an intruder who was a former law client. (This story gets more interesting by the minute.) The 74-year-old gun control advocate has been charged criminally in the case and will not run again for the seat he's held since 1968.

The case reminds me of another gun control fanatic, liberal columnist Carl Rowan, who shot an intruder in 1988 with an unregistered gun (a crime in D.C.). The teenager was swimming in his backyard pool. Rowan first claimed the gun was registered, then changed his story. When criticized and ridiculed for his hypocrisy, Rowan had the chutpah to say, "I am for gun control, but I am not for unilateral gun control, in which I leave my family naked to the druggies and the crooks out there." In other words, Carl Rowan could have a gun because he needed to protect his family, but you can use a baseball bat at your house. No doubt he wasn't really aiming at the teenager, but trying to shoot a hole in his rubber tube.

Liberals are so funny! Rowan went off to his heavenly (or other) reward in 2000 leaving the world bereft of one more fulminating leftist hypocrite. Pray for the repose of his soul and in his honor defend the Constitutional right to bear arms.


  1. Mary Ann. Sorry for this off-topic comment. My church is thinking about joining VOICE of Northern Virginia. Any advice on how to prevent this? I need some facts that will scare folks straight. Thanks for any suggestions.

  2. Yikes! I've written several articles which are on the Les Femmes website. Go to the site and type VOICE in the search engine and you'll come up with a long list. If you have a liberal pastor it probably doesn't matter what you do, they'll join.

    But VOICE is an Alinskyite group whose tactics are manipulative and totally ignore the Church's position on subsidiarity because all their solutions are more and bigger government. Some of the churches in the group are strange bedfellows that support abortion and same-sex marriage. Check out the articles and see if that gives you the ammunition your looking for. I'd be interested to know what church you belong to.
