Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama and the State of the Union

I watched about an hour of the state of the union speech last night. It was as much as I could stomach. What I found particularly appalling was the Mardi Gras atmosphere. The only thing missing was the confetti and glass beads. (On second thought, Nancy had on the beads.)

The speech had little depth and was given in almost a joking way with Nancy (and Joe following more slowly) jumping up like a little bobbly head jack-in-the-box every time the president ended a sentence.

On the one had, the president was talking about focusing on the economy, but then dragged out the same economy-killing agenda that has raised the misery index in the country and left ten percent of Americans out of work.

Check out what Heritage Foundation analysts thought of the speech.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I will say you made it about 40 minutes longer than we did. Neil wanted to watch the whole thing. My stomach {already weak from pregnancy nausea} literally couldn't handle the level of arrogance and pomp he was throwing at the American people. As if we're little dogs, expected to be grateful for the scraps he throws us.

    I just don't know how anyone can listen to him and not hear the furious clink of the kool aid pitcher stirrer in the background. :(
