Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pro-Choicers, You Gotta Love 'Em!

Don't you just love the open-minded tolerance of the pro-choice crowd. Their latest demonstration of it is the effort to ban an ad during the Superbowl featuring Tim Tebow and his mom. Tebow is the football player well known for sporting scripture passages on his face during games. According to reports the ad doesn't mention abortion, it simply relates in 30 seconds the story of his mom choosing life for her son. Celebrate life is the theme, but the harpies from NOW and other feminist groups are going ballistic over the thought that anyone would put a positive perspective on choosing life. After all choice for the feminists isn't about making a decision between aborting or not aborting. Choice in their lexicon IS abortion.

This is just one more example of the dishonesty of the pro-abortion crowd. The only choice they support is abortion. They offer no support groups to help women choose life. They offer women no option but killing they're children. And they hate those who portray the choice for life in a positive way.

The feminist groups are calling the ad offensive and divisive. Is that a joke? I've walked away from a lot of Superbowls because of the disgusting ads. This one won't be one of them. In fact, I may watch the Superbowl just to see it and I expect there will many others like me.

As for the feminists, polls show they are in a shrinking pool. The country is becoming more pro-life. Soon the only ones listening to their rants will be themselves. Say a Hail Mary for their conversion.

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