Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So Who is Scott Brown? A Sobering Reality Check from AFA of Michigan

I'll be honest. I'm glad Martha Coakley was deep-sixed, but who knows in the long run (and in God's eyes) what the better part would be? Only time will tell whether all the hope pinned to Scott Brown was justified. So all of you cheerleaders for Brown, hold your enthusiasm to modest levels until we see what the future brings. A man who posed nude for Cosmopolitan in 1982 and holds the kind of positions you'd expect from someone so morally blind, may turn out to be another Arlen Specter. His social positions are certainly more in line with liberal Democrats than conservative Republicans. Gary Glenn of AFA Michigan points out just exactly how out of tune with those of us who care about family values he is. Pray for him and write to him!

Mary Ann


Gary Glenn

American Family Association of Michigan

A sobering reality check, just so we know precisely who it is whose election we're all supposed to be celebrating today, who even some nationally prominent conservative and pro-family activists insistently urged us to support in this week's special election in Massachusetts...

Republican U.S. Senator-elect Scott Brown:

* Believes abortion on demand should be legal for all women 18 years of age and older (though he phrases it in more politically soothing terms on his campaign website), with the sole exception of opposing one particular late-term abortion procedure which does nothing whatsoever to prevent an abortion from being performed on the same baby at the same time by some other procedure.

* Favors legal recognition of homosexual "civil unions",8599,1954918,00.html

Remember only a short decade ago in 2000, when pro-family activists labeled "civil unions" signed into law by Democratic Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont as "same-sex marriage in everything but name...a major step toward radically redefining our most important social institution and overturning four thousand years of Judeo-Christian moral teaching...plac(ing) homosexual relationships on the same legal footing as marriage...subversive...destructive of society's most important institution...extremely damaging"?)

But in 2010, we were told by some this week, we should support a Republican politician who favors this precisely same radical redefining of marriage.

* Believes each state should be free to redefine marriage to include homosexual couples, according to his campaign website, which by logical deduction means he would oppose a Marriage Protection Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, since that would constitutionally prohibit any state from redefining marriage.

Or, as summarized by GOProud, the homosexual activist group recently at the center of controversy over its being accepted as a sponsor of the Conservative Political Action Conference: "Brown...has stated that same-sex marriage in Massachusetts is settled law and that he personally supports civil unions. Brown has also said that he believes marriage is a state issue and that each state should be free to make its own law regarding same-sex marriage. ...(Brown is) in favor of civil unions, oppos(es) a federal marriage amendment and (has) the same federalist approach to marriage that President Obama has."

So Democrats who favor abortion on demand, support homosexual civil unions, and oppose constitutionally protecting marriage are of course bad, we're told, but a Republican who favors abortion on demand, supports homosexual civil unions, and opposes constitutionally protecting marriage, pro-family voters are told we should actively support, send money, make phone calls for...

If you're among those who've pledged to themselves never to support a candidate who thinks it should be legal to torturously kill prenatal children in the womb, take note this week of which organizations and individuals whose word and leadership you can trust to help you keep that pledge.

Gary Glenn
American Family Association of Michigan


  1. Mary Ann, where did you get this info? I clicked on the url and it led me to a stale Christmas post on AFA Michigan. Nothing on Scott Brown.

  2. They send out a periodic e-letter and I'm on their mailing list. I could not find it on their website.

  3. So, who is OK in the Senate? That young guy from PA was, but he's out now. There might be one or two others. Politics in the U. S. in the 21st C. is about breathing room. 24hrs in MA put us out of the immediate danger of that stupid health bill. It would be asking a lot of Brown to stop abortion and pornography. I'd just as soon the U. S. were annexed to the Vatican and B16 was our monarch, but it isn't going to happen (any time soon). Divorce, contraception, abortion, pornography, atheism, relativism--all these things have been three generations picking up steam and there are as embedded in our society as Jacobinsim is in the French. Any one of them will destroy us. I know of no remedy other than prayer and mortification, but to complain about the agent when the progress of one of these ills (above) is momentarily checked surely cannot be a remedy. Write to him, help him to see the truth, pray for him but don't expect a politician not to be a politician.

  4. Mary Ann,
    Just before the special election here in Mass., a flyer from the Massachusetts Family Institute was included in my parish bulletin. It compared the candidates.

    Here's what they have to say about Scott Brown:
    1. OPPOSES repeal of the federal Defense of Mariage Act (DOMA)
    2.OPPOSES repeal of FOCA
    3. OPPOSES ENDA, the bill that would allow gay rights to override religious freedom
    4. SUPPORTS 'don't ask, don't tell" in the military.
    5. SUPPORTS conscience protection for health care workers
    6. OPPOSES taxpayer funding of abortions

    This is the view from an organization on-the-ground in Massachusetts.

    Their website is

  5. Well, he's definitely better than Coakley. Thanks for the information.
