Wednesday, January 6, 2010

When will they stop lying to women about breast cancer?

Another study released NINE months ago shows the link between breast cancer, oral birth control, and abortion. Despite the data, which shows a significant link to triple negative breast cancer, the most agressive kind, the silence from breast cancer groups has been deafening.

One of the most significant things about the study is that one of the researchers was Louise Brinton of the National Cancer Institute. Brinton organized a workshop on breast cancer in 2003 promoting the position that there is NO LINK between abortion and breast cancer. In fact, however, the current study shows a 40% increase. So including her name in the study represents a shift in position for her.

Read the press release from the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer at this link. You can read a summary of the study here.

The population studied was under 45 years of age. Many of the women who experienced the aggressive form of treatment-resistent breast cancer no doubt bought into the feminist bias toward contraception and abortion believeing it would "free" them from the "slavery" of mandatory motherhood.

As a breast cancer survivor, I am so grateful that I am a Catholic. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1986 at age 39 with no risk factors. I was a non-smoker, began my first pregnancy at age 22, breast fed, and never used the pill or had an abortion. I was fortunate though considering I married in the middle of the sexual revolution when, it seemed, the whole world embraced the pill.

Before our wedding, I went to a doctor for a gyn checkup and then spoke to him about NFP. I didn't know much about it at the time, but had been charting my temperature for several cycles. I showed them to the doctor who glanced at them with contempt, threw them at me across the desk, and said, "I'm a pill man. If you want me to prescribe the pill I will. And don't come back to me in two months pregnant."

Thank God I was enough of a Catholic not to follow his advice. I got pregnant on our honeymoon and didn't go back to him.

My current doctor says if I'd ever taken the pill, I probably would have had cancer at age 29 instead of 39. Chances are it would have been the more aggressive type and I might very well be one of the casualties of the feminist revolution. I know too many women who died in the prime of life from breast cancer. I always wondered if they took the pill and/or had an abortion.

As far as I'm concerned, the facts coming out about contraception, abortion, and breast cancer are more proof that the Catholic Church is the one true Church. When the Protestant denominations began to cave in to the prevailing secular culture following the 1930 Anglican Lambeth Conference, the Catholic Church held out. Even as the Catholic Birth Control Commission and dissenting priests lambasted Pope Paul VI over Humanae Vitae (most of them without reading it), he did not waver. The ONLY church to hold out against The Pill and other immoral birth control was and remains, the Catholic Church.

Consider the difference to Catholic women if, instead of counseling them in confession to follow their own consciences, priests had preached the truth. I remember raising the question in confession with a dear elderly monsignor who said, no, contraception could not be justified. I wasn't happy at the time, but that dear priest may have saved my life, allowing me to live long enough to play with my 18 grandchildren and getting ready to welcome another next summer.

What a blessing it is to be Catholic! No wonder we call her Holy Mother Church! May we all listen to and follow her teachings. They can save us from a lot of misery.

1 comment:

  1. I respectfully want to ask a question and that is this. You say that you had breast cancer and yet you never had an abortion or took the pill. I understand you are just one in a sea of women who have had breast cancer, but I guess I am confused as to what you are tring to state with your own experience. Also I have searched extensively and have not found conclusively any link between abortion and breast cancer. Can you help me as I want to know the truth and hate to be lied to ie the MSM. God bless you and thank you for answering my questions.
