Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Homosexual Blueprint that Sold Sodomy to America

Do you think the mainstreaming of homosexuality was an accident? Think again. It was an orchestrated plan to get people to see sodomy as normal, just "different strokes for different folks." Read the blueprint and marvel at how America has been led to accept men buggering men as a normal and acceptable expression of "love." It was no accident. And what's particularly amazing to me as a mother is the number of parents who approve of this grave moral evil. Mostly I think they are blackmailed by their children. "Love me, love my sin." What a betrayal when parents are willing to go along with evil in order to get along with their children even when their children's eternal salvation is in jeopardy.

The Overhauling of Straight America by Marshall K. Kirk and Erastes Pill


  1. In 1943, H. Allen Smith wrote a book called Life in a Putty Knife Factory, in which he wrote (and I quote in full because it's worth it):

    "A hangover is the worst infirmity known to man because it excites no feelings of sympathy. Let a man show up for work with the sniffles or a sprained ankle or half his ear bitten off and his bosses and associates are full of solicitude for his well-being. But let him come in with the inside sweats and the feeling that a moose is having a baby in his head and he becomes an object of scorn. The boss punishes him with extra work and his associates creep up behind him and yell 'Boo!' and otherwise torment him. It is no wonder that, when the sun gets over the yardarm, he heads for the hair of the dog. There is simply no such thing as commiseration for a man with the black-butterfly ague."

    Except in the case of rape and transfusions of contaminated blood, I have the same total lack of sympathy with persons who have STD's. They knew what they were doing; I should feel sorry for them as if they were "poor victims"?

    Sorry, not a chance.

  2. Sodomy is certainly sinful. Here's what God's word says about it: "Behold, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: pride, overabundance of food, prosperous ease, and idleness were hers and her daughters'; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty and committed abominable offenses before Me; therefore I removed them when I saw it and I saw fit. (Eze 16:49-50) Evidently you are having trouble with homosexuality. You might even think it is sinful. If so, it should meet Jesus' definition of ALL sin (Mt. 22:36-40) which is lack of love. Who in a homosexual relationship is unloved, hurt and ready to sue? Sin is lack of love, not the presence of love.

  3. Love wills the good of the other. Homosexual "love" is degrading, diseased, often abusive, and almost always promiscuous. That's a pretty good definition of lust, one of the seven deadly sins. "Gay pride" parades with their obscene floats, sex acts in the street, sado-masochistic displays, etc. give a pretty good indication of what same sex relationships are all about and it sure isn't love.

  4. Mary Ann, I am sorry you had such an unloving homosexual relationship. If you had been married, it would be overdue a divorce.

  5. Ah...the strategy of deflection and the ad hominem attack. Anyone who disagrees with sodomy and fellatio must be a closeted homosexual or lesbian. The ad hominem is the last resort of a person without an argument. But your comment will give me and my husband a laugh and I'll share it with my adult children and their spouses. We'll be praying a decade of the rosary with our grandchildren tonight and will offer it for you, Max.
