Monday, February 8, 2010

Was that it? Thanks, ladies, for connecting the Tebow ad to abortion!

I'll bet NOW and the other radical feminist groupies regret putting the magnifying glass on the Tebow Super Bowl ad now that they've seen it. Would a single person have made the connection to abortion without going to Focus on the Family's website? I doubt it. But all the hype made sure that everone viewing the ad knew it was a pro-life message. Pam Tebow chose life during a difficult pregnancy and they hate her for it.

I was reading a silly article this morning that claims the Tebow ad strikes new ground by introducing morality into the Super Bowl, as if the ads glorifying drinking and sex don't involve morality. (Does anyone remember the disgusting clown ad a few years ago and the feminist ad claiming domestic violence is worst on Super Bowl Sunday based on non-existent research?) But what I found more interesting than the dumb article were the comments. Those who disagreed with the ad and were pro-abortion launched into ad hominem and even vicious attacks. I've collected some:
Bret:     she shoudve aborted him

Rocco:     somebody shoot Tebow PLEASE!!!

B Money:       Tim should have been aborted.

A:    I wish Tim Tebow had been aborted. You know, it's still not too late.

"d":    tebow is a fat closet case. that is why he puts all those scriptures on his eye distract people, and make them think there's No way he could be gay...his favorite part of the game is shower time.

gene c:    tebow's mom looks like a hooker.

r:    his mom is a whore

David P:   Tebow is a douche

circlebs:    Screw Teblow and his mama!

bullsfan2010:     she aborted her first 2 kids and felt guilty and kept little timmy. most pro lifer women have already had an abortion and feel so guilty that they dont want anyone else to have the choice they did. they some how believe they will be forgiven.

Brian:     tebows mom, jeffrey dahmers mom, charles mansons mom and hitlers mom all got something in common. they all chose life. they all chose wrong

Wow! What a representation of reasoned argument and charity! And I left out the blasphemous comments and those targeting Focus on the Family as a hate group like the KKK.  I browsed several hundred of the comments (over 1500 on the site) and saw only one ad supporter who suggested that the feminists should keep aborting their children. On the other hand, many comments were thoughtful and respectfully debated the issue.  But If I were doing a paper on the incivility of anonymous comments, I'd have to rate the pro-abortion folks hands-down winners. They scored high on the hate index. Interesting how the hatemonger label is always attached to pro-lifers and Christians because they refuse to call evil good.

Visit Focus on the Family to hear the inspiring story of the Tebows. They chose life before "Timmy" was even conceived. What a witness to faith and service to the poor. They talk the talk and walk the walk. Pray for the Tebows. They are an inspiring family who love the Lord and their actions speak as loudly as their words.


  1. Thought you might like this article

  2. Did you forget the brain dead recycling ad? Glorify government tyranny in the name of the Green agenda ... I think it said more than it intended.

  3. I missed that one, Ray. But I confess I was on the computer part of the game and reading Emma while I watched the rest of it. I didn't think the ads were as bad this year as past Super Bowls.

  4. I thought most of the ads were purely brain dead and now that I've seen the Tebow ad (missed it on game day, must have stepped out and blinked) I have to say that for anyone to take offense smells of the stink of Satan.

    Especially those hateful remarks. These people are nothing less than possessed. They are certainly fortunate that their mothers were kind enough to have them.

    We've successfully dug out and now they're claiming another 6 to 12 inches are on the way. I can't remember a worse snow situation. I've been joking with my students that except for global warming it might have been six feet instead of three feet.
