Monday, March 22, 2010

Bart Stupak: One More Betrayal by a Catholic Politician

If the health care debate has proved anything it's showing clearly that there is no such thing as a pro-life democrat. Oh, they can talk a good game, but when the rubber mets the road they all chose dismembered babies instead of standing up to the Madame DeFarge of Congress, Nancy Pelosi. The only thing she lacks are the knitting needles.

It's hard to imagine that Bart Stupak can actually believe that the executive order promised by Obama will mean a thing. The health bill is the biggest advancement of abortion since Roe v. Wade.

A friend who runs a watchdog group that follows politicians who are members of the Catholic fraternal organization, the Knights of Columbus, just sent me a message saying Bart Stupak is a Knight. This makes his betrayal even more tragic. Think of the image of the Knight, vowed to serve his Lord, in this case Jesus Christ.

Stupak reminds me of Richard Rich in A Man for All Seasons who betrayed Thomas More and perjured himself to gain the office of Attorney General for Wales. The question is what did Stupak get for selling out? One thing at least: two days before the vote Stupak got an FAA grant of $750,000 for three airports in his district. What he lost was his integrity and hopefully his seat come November.


  1. What a pathetic fellow. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his armpits.

  2. I am a Knight. I emailed the organization and told them that I will leave the organization if Stupak is allowed to remain a member. Such a public betrayal on his part without a public denouncement by the Knights is just another betrayal of the mission.
