Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Canon Lawyer Urges Implementation of Canon 915 Against Nancy Pelosi

Ed Peters, the canon lawyer who blogs at In the Light of the Law posted an article on the Feast of the Annunciation urging implementation of Canon 915 against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. For those unfamiliar with Canon 915 it calls for withholding Communion from obstinate public sinners. Calls for, however, as Peters points out is too mild to describe the canon. In fact, he writes that Canon 915 "requires ministers to withhold holy Communion in such cases, this, upon pain of dereliction of their sacred office (1983 CIC 128, 1389)."

Among the bishops are many canon lawyers. Can we hope that some of them will listen to a fellow canonist and urge Nancy's home archbishop, George Niederauer of San Francisco, and Archbishop Donald Wuerl of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. to bar her from Communion? She commits a grave public scandal every time she opens her mouth and it is high time that the sacrilege of her consuming the Body and Blood of Christ be stopped.
Some will say it will just give her sympathy vote and make her a martyr. Frankly, that's the world talking. The question is whether, in receiving Communion, she crucifies Christ, scandalizes others and leads them into sin, and jeopardizes her own soul. Those are the issues that really matter.
Read the complete blog post here....


  1. Nancy Pelosi should not only be denied Communion, she should be excommunicated forthwith. She has already excommunicated herself by promoting and in essence participating in abortion crimes and on a very large scale.

    After Pelosi, all other anti-life politicians all over the world who are masquerading as Catholics need to be excommunicated as well.

    For 45 years now, the Church has played around and allowed abortionist politicians to do pretty much whatever they want to do. The time for this has long past. The Church must get tough with these inhuman politicians before they enable the destruction of any more human beings.

  2. It would be nice to see some of these folks put under interdict until they publicly repent. That would deprive them of all their rights as Catholic without excommunicating them (I think). Maybe they would take that seriously enough to repent. God help them if they don't. It's hard to imagine with all the warnings Nancy has been given (and one wonders what the pope said to her when she met him) that she is invincibly ignorant.

  3. At the March for Life this year when the Bishops appeared a number of spectators in front of the stage held up signs demanding Canon 915 be enforced on pro-about politicans. Bishops totally ignored the signs.

  4. Do you know of the real reason why bishops won't enforce it? My 'off the top of my head' response is that the bishops who themselves are embroiled in some kind of sinful behavior can't or won't enforce it b/c it's basically like calling the kettle black.

    What do you think?
