Wednesday, March 10, 2010

St. Joseph Novena Begins Tomorrow - Please Join!

Everyone has particular needs. Maybe you have children who have left the faith. Maybe you're looking for a job or thinking of starting a business. Maybe you're facing a serious illness. Whatever your needs, you have a friend in St. Joseph. Larry and I have several intentions for the novena and will be praying it along with our daily rosary for our own intentions and those of everyone joining in. How can a novena to the guardian of the Holy Family with the intercession of Mary fail to achieve a response? As St. Teresa of Avila said, "For some years now, I think, I have made some request of [St. Joseph] every year on his feast day and I have always had it granted. If my petition is in any way ill directed, he directs it aright for my greater good." Join the novena to this powerful man of God who shows the world what it is to be a gentleman and a "just" man.

If you have had a prayer answered through the powerful intercession of St. Joseph, please share it in the comments section. Let's build devotion to this great saint who says not one word in Scripture, but immediately responds when God calls. He is truly a man of action who works to build the city of God. So replace the super-hero action figures in your kids' minds with a real live super-hero of God!


  1. I love St. Joseph. He's always come through for me.

    We prayed the St. Joseph novena before we sold our house two years ago. We needed to sell our house before we could look to buy a bigger one. Through his intercession, our house sold the first weekend and when we began the search for our new digs, we fell in love with the first one we saw. Our move couldn't have been easier.

    I was pregnant at the time, and I can't help but think of how he must of looked at me. Helpless, scared, etc. Just like his Mary.

    Thank you St. Joseph!!!

  2. He has always helped me when I have asked. I recently asked him to intercede to help me find a house for a couple I had been working with for 15 months prior (as their agent). I thought they would never find one! I can't tell you how badly I wanted to help this family and how stressful it was working and trying to care for my family during that time. I was due with my 3rd child at the end of January and I was so stressed at the thought of worrying about work while trying to prepare for my baby's arrival. We not only found the house but we closed 2 weeks before my baby's birth so I was able to relax and enjoy every minute! He takes care of me and I am devoted to him!

    Yes, thank you St. Joseph!
