Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tweeting an Abortion?

Sin makes you do crazy things. It also leads you to confess in public. Did you ever notice all the folks on Dr. Phil, Jerry Springer, Oprah, you name it revealing the most private details of their lives? What kind of sick compulsion drives people to do this?

But twittering your abortion? That's what Angie Jackson decided to do. She says she didn't do it as a publicity stunt but, SURPRISE, Angie has been all over the media since she first appeared on Twitter and YouTube and she's writing a book. She also assures us over and over that she feels no remorse, has no guilt, didn't really kill a baby, and would do it again in a minute.

Personally, I think Angie "doth protest too much." I think she is doing the same justification as Mary Shelly who threw off all moral restraint to shack up with the poet Percy Shelley. His wife later committed suicide which deeply distressed Mary.  E. Michael Jones in Monsters from the Id theorizes that Mary could not publicly admit her guilt and remorse because of her philosophy, but revealed the "monsters" from her subconscious in her novel, Frankenstein.

It appears to me from watching Angie on the internet that she twittered her abortion for two reasons. First, for the publicity. She almost screams for attention in the interview below. Secondly, because she's trying to convince herself killing the child isn't so bad. Note that she claimed the pregnancy threatened her life. But then her one reason is a long labor. And there's only her word for it. Almost every woman I talked to at the abortion mill when I was sidewalk counseling claimed her life was in danger. Most of the time it was nonsense, the rationalization at work. "I don't want an abortion, but I feel guilty so I'll tell people my life is in danger which will justify my decision." I frankly doubt that Angie Jackson's life was in danger at all. And if it was, abortion was likely to be just as much a threat as carrying the child to term. Angie appears to be an exhibitionist.

Killing her baby gave Angie her fifteen minutes of fame and maybe she'll sell a few books and drive a few people to her blog. For that she destroyed the never-ending story of her little unborn baby, the baby she claims she didn't kill. She has also unleashed the monsters from the id. Pray for Angie and her poor little four-year-old son. I remember reading an article years ago about a little Down's Syndrome child who hid from his parents after overhearing them contemplating the abortion of his sibling. Perhaps one day Angie will find her little boy cowering in the closet afraid that she will kill him next.


  1. God help us. What kind of moral vacuum lets someone celebrate the murder of their child?

    This is so depressing...

  2. She's twenty-seven??? I hate to say this, but she looks more like forty-seven! I suppose it's the 'healthy' life style she's living.
