Monday, April 5, 2010

What do you think of the tea party movement?

I'll be upfront. I love the tea party movement! I've attended two events at the Capitol. The first was the massive September event where hundreds of thousands marched. Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face because it was like a giant fourth of July event. The spirit was upbeat. People in patriotic costumes were everywhere. Most of the signs were hand made. The crowd was filled with people of all ages. The sense of humor was incredible. One fella pushed a skeleton in a wheelchair with a sign that read, "I'm still waiting for my operation." People were friendly and helpful. I've never attended anything as upbeat, even the annual March for Life (but maybe that's because people are freezing).

According to a March Gallup Poll more than 25% of Americans support the tea party movement. That's a higher percentage than the number of patriots who supported the founding fathers. Most revolutionary movements attract only about 20% of the population. With this kind of support and the energy that fills the movement, the socialists in Congress better pay attention. They are no doubt gearing up with immigration "reform" to steal the November elections. But more Americans these days are paying attention. So watch out Barack, Joe, Nancy, Harry, Barney, and all you tyrants in ties and pin-striped suits. The patriots are coming.

What do you think? Do you support the tea party movement?

1 comment:

  1. I love the Tea Party Movement because it gives the people a reason to remember moral values are important in sustaining a country. Moral covers a litany of things including spending the money of poor Americans who cannot feed themselves. It's a sin against the Corporal works of mercy when the government takes what we have but yet refuses to give us what they promise.

    Secondly, we need to learn responsibility and accountability. We should not expect handouts. The tea party promotes that also.

    I went to a tea party on my birthday last year. It was refreshing.

