Friday, April 16, 2010

What will end abortion?

I've said it before and I'm absolutely convinced that the most important element in ending abortion will be aborted women themselves. I'm even more convinced after listening to a CD by Jane Brennan, a regional director of Silent No More, who shared her story of conversion from radical feminist to repentant Catholic revert.

Jane Brennan's story, she says, is hard to tell and hard to hear. She was molested by her grandfather, another relative, and a stranger as a little girl. At a very young age she began trying to drown the hurt with alcohol. By the time she was in high school she was using alcohol, drugs, and sex to try to numb the pain. Twice she became pregnant and aborted her children believing those who told her "It's just a clump of cells."

She bought the lie of the feminist movement as well and became an activist with NOW, NARAL, and Planned Parenthood attracted by their message of "empowerment" and control over the body. And yet, she said, she never felt empowered, and her life was obviously spinning out of control.

The beginning of her conversion was reading the book, Who Stole Feminism by Christina Hoff-Sommers.

Jane's journey illustrates how damaged many women in the feminist camp really are. They need prayer and sacrifice to water the hard ground of their hearts and make it softer so the seeds of faith can take root and grow. Reading the conversion stories of post-aborted women offers a message of hope. It is not only the hope of forgiveness and healing, but the hope that their witness will spare other women from making the same mistake. Jane shares her story in a book called Motherhood Interrupted which includes the testimonies of sixteen post aborted women. It is a work of hope.

Jane also has a blog which is well worth a visit. She and other post-aborted women are the voices of millions of women damaged physically and emotionally by abortion who have found healing in Jesus Christ. I believe their voices will grow louder and louder until the world echoes with their message from east to west. Pray for the Lord to use their witness powerfully.

What impact do you think repentant post aborted women (and repentant fathers) will have on abortion in this country?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO much for posting that! I live in Minneapolis and support Silent No More MN as much as I can (Also the Life-Care Center and Human Life Alliance). Each has a specvial role to play; I think that SNM's powerful firsthand witness is probably going to be what turns the tide. Bless you!
