Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Beware: Big Brother is Listening

Persecution of Christians for violating the "newspeak" laws of Big Brother is on the increase. In Canada, even a Catholic bishop was accused of hate speech for daring to speak the truths of the gospel.

And now, here's another example, a Christian street preacher being targeted by the thought police and hauled off to jail under the Public Order Act (POA) in the U.K.  Keep in mind that this act was put on the books to protect against riots at soccer games, etc. Like RICO legislation in the U.S. that aimed to have a chilling effect on gangster activity but is commonly used against pro-lifers and those who oppose sodomy, POA is being used against U.K. Christians who dare to challenge the morality of same-sex relationships. Here's a section of the Telegraph article:
The Public Order Act, which outlaws the unreasonable use of abusive language likely to cause distress, has been used to arrest religious people in a number of similar cases.

Harry Hammond, a pensioner, was convicted under Section 5 of the Act in 2002 for holding up a sign saying “Stop immorality. Stop Homosexuality. Stop Lesbianism. Jesus is Lord” while preaching in Bournemouth.

Stephen Green, a Christian campaigner, was arrested and charged in 2006 for handing out religious leaflets at a Gay Pride festival in Cardiff. The case against him was later dropped.
Christians be prepared. Like the Apostles who were dragged into court for proclaiming Jesus, you will be dragged before the magistrates for daring to uphold the word of God. Hate speech is coming here in the U.S., one more assault against Christians. Prepare yourselves for active persecution through prayer and fasting.

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