Saturday, May 22, 2010

Shame on the Knights of Columbus!

The irony of the K of C's betrayal is that I know a man who was thrown out of the group because he was confronting his pastor over some scandalous goings on in the parish. Robert Kumbel is a home-schooling dad, a pro-life activist, and a faithful Catholic. That didn't protect him from becoming "The Black Knight" in the eyes of his local council. Just think -- If he was a pro-abortion politician, the local council would have been forbidden to expell him. Interesting times we live in, eh? I encouraged my husband to become a knight when he retired. Now I think I'll encourage him to resign in protest. What's the point after all. These paragons of Catholicity won't every take a position that would embarrass a pro-abortion Congressman. They have among their ranks some of the most viciously pro-abortion politicians at both the state and local levels. Most of the Catholics in the Massachusetts legislature supported the same sex marriage law.

I think the knights need to change their name to the Maids of Columbus. They lack the anatomy that would designate them as "knights."


  1. Ouch! But, you're right. I'm a PGK (past Grand Knight) of the Cathedral Council #6790. The contaminated membership, and lack of moral leadership at the national level led me to withdraw from active involvement. The KofC is too big, too wealthy, and too influential for its own good.

