Thursday, August 12, 2010

What's Wrong With the World? Here's One Answer: Heretical Priests

This video is making the rounds on some of the Catholic blogs. Apparently this isn't the first time Ather has defended heresy. And from the positive comments on YouTube, it's pretty obvious his ear-tickling is winning fans.

What's odd, though, is that what he wants already exists -- it's called Episcopalianism. Why doesn't Father join ECUSA (Episcopal Church USA)? They already have all these wonderful things he wants. The fact is, however, that priests like this are only given any time at all because they preach dissent and heresy. Who would care about Father's opinions if he wasn't wearing a Roman collar? And that explains why Jesuit priest Fr. Robert Drinan quit Congress rather than leave the Catholic Church. He could pretend in the Church to be a brave defender against the mean old pope. If he left, he'd just be one more ex-priest. Who, after all, remembers Fr. George Stallings? Or Fr. James Callan? Or Fr. Dale Fuschek (is that how he spells his name? Who cares?) Once priests leave, they lose their huge audience. That's why most of the heretics keep their bodies in the Church while their minds and spirits are long gone. Those who leave are actually the honest ones. Those who stay are there for the bells, incense, bingo, and attention from the worshipful who think they are brave to stand up to Rome. Besides, if they leave they also lose their rectories, stipends, gifts, and, for some, access to cash in the collection basket.

Once you pick and choose your moral teachings, you can probably justify almost anything: killing babies, same-sex marriage, serial marriage, lying, theft, etc.

Pray for priests -- especially the bad ones who are in danger of hell. They drag a lot of souls with them toward the hot fire. If you don't want to get burned, stay away from them!


  1. I sent Mr.Breen (not Fr. Breen) an email on Aug. 7th. So far, no reply. I won't hold my breath.

  2. The other part of the answer is heretical/gutless bishops. That this man is a pastor speaks volumes. One can hope he has been deposed, but I'm not betting on that. It's telling that he's old because we know that breed is dying off. While that's a comfort on one hand, on the other it's disconcerting, because Father doesn't have all that much time to repent.

  3. What gives with not posting my comments? Am I too far to the left or to the right for you? Or do you think I'm crazy or evil or something? On the whole, I'm glad to read your blog and cannot account for your finding my comments offensive. Please do me the courtesy of telling me how you do so. It's not that I care about seeing them online, but I am curious as to the manner of my giving offense. My email is Perhaps I just haven't been using the identity/publishing gadget correctly. Yours, S. Petersen

  4. S. Petersen,

    I'm not aware of having failed to post any comment you sent. There was a post that was left twice (I don't remember what it was) and I published and one rejected the other, so perhaps there was glitch and both were deleted.

    Try again. I'm definitely not censoring you.
