Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feast of the Great Archangels

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the three great Archangels described in Scripture: Michael, the warrior; Raphael, the guide and healer; and Gabriel, the messenger. These angels are wonderful intercessors for the family. What a model Michael is for the father of every family - standing over his wife and children as a watcher and protector. Whenever we leave on a trip I ask St. Michael to watch over things at home while we're gone and protect us on our journey.

I've always loved the story of Tobias and his quest for a wife. What a friend and guide he has in the great archangel Raphael who accompanies him. Not only that, but Raphael heals Tobias' father, Tobit, of his blindness. He reminds me of the guardian angels assigned to each one of us. He is also a great intercessor for mothers who are there with kisses and bandaids to heal the bumps and bruises of our little ones as well as guide them along life's path.

Gabriel, the great messenger, is a reminder to all of us to listen and be quick to respond to the word of God and carry it to others. He teaches us how to honor the Blessed Virgin, kneeling before her when she says, "Let it be done unto me" and becomes a living tabernacle.

Ask the archangels to intercede for you and thank God for giving us such great helpers. I always tell my grandchildren they have nothing to fear because St. Michael will watch over them and he has a big sword!


  1. What about Phanuel?

  2. I googled Phanuel and he's listed in the Bible as the father of Anna the prophetess who was in the temple at the Presentation. Anna may have thought her father was an angel, though.

  3. Both my sister and I have a devotion to St. Raphael it was through our prayers to him that we were both lead to our wonderful husbands!! She even named her firstborn son after him.

  4. What a lovely witness. Raphael must be delighted to have a little one honoring his name.
