Monday, October 11, 2010

The Election is Coming: Ask Candidates these Questions...

Phyllis Schlafly has a good election guide for voters in the form of questions to ask candidates. She doesn't, unfortunately, include questions on abortion, although she has one on defunding Planned Parenthood. But my primary questions are about protecting the lives of the innocent.
  • Will you vote for legislation recognizing the personhood of the unborn no matter how that life begins: conception, cloning, IV fertilization, etc.?
  • Will you vote to regulate abortion facilities like other outpatient surgical clinics?
  • Will you vote for parental consent and notification laws to protect minor girls from predatory abortion practices?
  • Will you vote to require medical assistance to babies born alive after abortion?
  • Will you vote for laws making it illegal to take a minor out of state for an abortion?
I'm sure there are others, but this is a start to determine whether the candidate claiming to be pro-life really is. And, of course, he should also commit to defunding Planned Parenthood the biggest abortion provider in the world.


  1. It's critical that candidates support the Republican Party's current pro-life plank which has a 14th Amendment provision (without which the personhood issue would be moot) and also calls for a Human Life Amendment to end abortion. It should be noted that the only two people currently being talked about for President in the Republican Party who openly support these two provisions are Mike Huckabee and Mike Pence. Sarah Palin's "states rights" views tend to inform us that she is opposed to the Fourteenth Amendment, as Ron Paul is, and opposed to a Human Life Amendment. As it stands, the only reasoning Palin supporters can give me that she is "pro-life" is that she has given birth to five children, but Nancy Pelosi has done that, too. We must hold candidates' feet to the fire to support actual legislation ENDING ABORTION in America.

  2. I would add Alan Keyes to the list of people who should be considered for President, who would support the Human Life Amendment. He has spoken MOST eloquently for the unborn and many of his writings can be found at the forum.

    Please don't write him off just because the lefties have managed to "bork" him...that's what *happens* to principled people who get out in front. Look at what he actually says and stands for instead of the way he is cartooned.

  3. Yes, Alan Keyes is a brilliant man.
