Friday, October 8, 2010

Hypocrisy and the Homosexual Agenda

The recent suicide of a homosexual student at Rutgers after a sex act was posted on line is tragic. All suicides are tragic. But what's irresponsible is the way gay activists are politicizing this to promote their agenda. All Christians (and the "far right"), they claim, are guilty of killing the young man by our words. I don't know a single person who justifies the students posting the sex video on line. But gay activists have made the event a jumping off point to engage in another round of "jamming," the term used to describe demonizing all who criticize immoral homosexual acts by accusing them of intolerance, homophobia, hate speech, and on, and on. You can read about their strategy here.

The treatment of this particular suicide, which is certainly sad, is much different from the treatment of young women who commit suicide after abortion. A 13 year study in Finland of all deaths in THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF WOMEN, age 15 to 49, found a statistically significant increase in suicide the year after abortion. Women who gave birth had the lowest death rate. Have you heard the media talk about that? Have you heard them blame the pro-choice crowd and the abortionists for killing women with their lies? Not a chance! Because, like sodomy, abortion is a protected act and the liberal media supporting their pro-choice cronies will do all in their power to make sure abortion continues and expands.

Homosexuals may, in fact, be more at risk of suicide with or without provocation. According to a paper by Dr. Neil Whitehead, homosexuals have "higher rates of suicide, depression, bulimia, antisocial personality disorder, and substance abuse." But the gay movement wouldn't want to hear about that, because it indicates that their lifestyle is dangerous to the mental and physical health of those who engage in it.

Well, as a matter of fact, it is. Which is why parents should love their children enough to encourage them to get out of it.


  1. Hypocrisy is not confined to the left but it certainly is very prevalent there. The double standard is ever in evidence. I've reached the point of simply disbelieving anything they say. It is always said with calculated effect and rarely truly sincere. As soon as the theme demands the opposite there they are advocating the opposite. It is always situational and always self-serving.

  2. Excellent point. The world needs a million times more of these kind of articles.
