Monday, October 4, 2010

Is a Catholic Tea Party Coming?

A friend called me today to say she thinks we need the equivalent of a Catholic Tea Party to wake up Catholics and get them energized to defend the faith. It's a message that seems to be germinating in the minds of other orthodox Catholics. Mike Voris discussed it a few days ago on The Vortex.  Here's his take on it.

The dissent group, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, hates the idea of a Catholic Tea Party which means the idea has merit and should definitely be pursued. The image of Catholics in the pew getting angry enough to start exposing and doing their best to boot bad bishops must have them quaking in their boots. After all, these dissenters only have power because they are entrenched in chanceries around the country under betrayer bishops waving the banner of liberalism. Bad priests like Frs. Richard Sparks, Richard McBrien, and Richard Rohr (Poor St. Richard!) have only been able to advance their evil ideas because of bad bishops who enable them. They have a helluva lot to answer for and I mean that literally. Jesus told us we'd know men by their fruits and theirs are as rotten and putrid as the failed Irish potato crop.

So I told my friend I'm all for a Catholic Tea Party. Whatever we can do to educate Catholics about faith in action the way the tea party movement is educating voters about the Constitution, let's do it. The Catholic dissenters may have money poured into their coffers by the likes of George Soros, but we have the power of the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, they don't have the chance of a snowball in hell.


  1. Agreed. This is why I support our new Adult Faith Formation program because you first have to light more people up in their own discipleship or they won't see why a tea party would be necessary.

  2. Sounds like a good idea, but are we fighting a spiritual or secular battle? Rosaries and penitential prayers may win the day.

  3. We are fighting both a secular and a spiritual battle ... indeed, reality does not neatly divide into those two categories. We ought not to let the atheists and non-believers set the rhetorical space. God created on universe and didn't divide it up into these arbitrary categories. It take man and very Fallen Man at that to do all the dividing.

  4. If you care to educate yourself, you will find that the Catholic Church is not conservative nor liberal. Those, such as yourselves or the Catholic Alliance, who attempt to paint it as such do a GREAT disservice to the Catholic Church.

    It is said that many people hate what they THINK the Catholic Church is, but find they agree with the teachings when they educate themselves. This misconception of the Church is exasperated when people who are Catholic misrepresent their faith. Many, if not most, of the Tea Party's stance are incompatible with the core teaching of the Church. Don't fall prey to you own biases.

    If you are a Catholic and thinking of joining a tea party, or even worse, starting one in the name of the Church, please inform your conscience by learning the Church's social teachings.
    This pastoral letter and many of the Popes' Encyclicals are a great start.

  5. I laughed when I saw your link. The U.S. bishops conference is notorious for putting out documents written by a committee that hit the streets without approval. Always Our Children is often cited by those advancing the homosexual agenda in the Church. The bishops never approved it and some of its authors (Fr. James Schexnayder comes to mind) were known dissenters. The Vatican ordered changes but it's still an awful document!

    I've only read some of your referenced economic doc, but it was controversial as well. I wouldn't trust anything coming out of the USCCB, an organization filled with liberals who believe that social justice is synonymous with Democrat policies. Besides, the USCCB has no authority.

    If readers want to see what the Church really teaches about social justice they need to read Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum and Pope John Paul II's Centesimus Annus as well as Pope Benedict's Caritas in Veritate.

    As for tea party movement, your comment is so vague as to be meaningless. I suspect if one compares the principles of the tea party to the Democrat's platform one would see exactly which is more in line with Church teaching.

  6. Catholic tea is much in need.
    The secular progressivists are entrenched in their comfort power zone. Yes, we need a Catholic tea revolution against their wide spread doctrine of relativism permeated in the learning institutions and in our Catholic parishes. Catholic tea that stands united fearlessly together in reason by Truth through knowing God (natural law), Faith, Hope, and Charity, for the holy family, marriage, children, formation of the faith, being responsible consumers, stewards of our environment, and last but not least, standing for personal freedom from the tyranical state (preservation of free will).

    now is the
