Monday, October 18, 2010

More on Gardasil Vaccine: Do You Believe the CDC?


  1. " 'Half the average' reported serious events" makes it a safer than most vaccines? What twisted logic? That fact only serves to reflect badly on the CDC as to their approving so many questionable vaccines, Gardasil merely being another one.

  2. I've just happened to stumble upon your blog (love what I see thus far!), but this caught my attention especially since TODAY at my yearly exam my OBGYN doctor once again tried to convince me to get this vaccine. I tend to think that all the "precautions" we take (and make young girls and boys take) against a promiscuous society really only do us further harm. I always get the blank stare when I inform them that at 23 I am in a serious relationshipn, am NOT sexually active, and, no thank you, would not like to be on birth control. Anyway, thanks for sharing this video. I am always wary of medicine and vaccines which seem to be the "proven" and available cure for any and every health problem. I think we're safest trying to instill morals in our families that fill them up on preventative medications. Thanks but no thanks.

    Pax Christi,


  3. So glad you stumbled on the blog, MH, and hope you'll visit often and share the information with others. It's wonderful to find a 23-year-old committed to chastity. May God bless you and your boyfriend for your faithfulness to his plan for courtship.

  4. One of the most frustrating things about this shot is how it is advertised as a "cancer" vaccine. It's NOT!!! It is a vaccine against HPV, which can lead to cancer. Most parents and women/girls getting this shot aren't even aware of this.
