Saturday, October 23, 2010

The U.N. reflects "world imperialism that despises the poor" says Argentine Archbishop

A South American bishop has seen the enemy and it's the United Nations. Archbishop Hector Aguer of La Plata, Argentina says by promoting abortion and homosexuality the U.N. and its "satellite organizations" (like Planned Parenthood) are working to “shift paradigms of behavior and alter the definition of what real human rights are.”

Who's behind the wicked agenda? The Archbishop sees international powers who "despise the poor." He expressed his opinion in his weekly reflection on the television channel, America TV, as reported by Fides news service:
"We should be aware that here there is a conspiracy in the worst sense of the word. There is a plot to homogenize thinking and behavior in the world and it comes from the world's power centers. In particular, it comes from the centers of political power, supported by the centers of financial power. We are witnessing a new colonialism, a new imperialism....
"There are many problems to be solved in Argentina! For example, poor pensioners, who are always marginalized, who will never have the pension they deserve, and the large number of young people without work or study, and internal migration that leads to new settlements in subhuman conditions, increasing poverty, insecurity ... Regarding this, we see that the state cannot fully protect the lives and property of the population, but it takes time to rebuild the civil code, the penal code, and to impose these new paradigms that are but the tip of the iceberg of a new colonialism, a world imperialism that despises the poor in particular....
"[I]n the name of human rights, the United Nations - which should be entrusted with their care – instead becomes a transgressor of natural law. This occurs because for many years now, these centers of global power have had ideologies contrary to the nature of the human person and, therefore, contrary to their dignity, rights, and corresponding duties, imposed on them."
Archbishop Aguer sees the matter more clearly than do many U.S. bishops. The U.N. is probably the greatest enemy of the family in the world creating international documents that promote "reproductive rights" (newspeak for promoting abortion and contraception), replace parental rights with the authority of the state (U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child), and advance homosexual activity as a protected "civil right." The U.N. is so immersed in evil it reminds me of C.S. Lewis' evil bureaucracy, NICE, in That Hideous Strength

And who is the major financier of all the evil at the U.N.? The American taxpayer. The U.S. is the largest contributor to the U.N. and its affiliated organizations providing about 22% of its budget. The actual amount is difficult to pin down because so many agencies underwrite U.N. programs. For example the Department of Health and Human Services contributes to UNICEF and the Department of Energy contributes to the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency.

Trying to identify the actual budget impact of U.N. funding, Sen. Tom Coburn in 2006 asked the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the real amount totals from 2001-2005. It was considerably more than what was reported by the State Department. The figures presented were:
  •  2001 - $3,183,166,000
  •  2002 - $3,934,814,000
  •  2003 -  $3,841,323,000
  •  2004 - $4,115,155,000 
  •  2005 - $5,327,276,000
One of the good things President George W. Bush did was to cut off funding for the U.N. population control agency because of their support for China's forced abortion program. Otherwise totals in some years would have been even higher.

In fiscal year 2009 OMB's annual report  listed U.N. funding at  $6,347,415,000. So in only nine years the U.S. contribution to the U.N. has almost doubled. The number of jobs at the U.N. increased by about 40% during that time as well. In view of the fact that the U.N. spends so much time and money: undermining the sovereignty of nations, challenging parental rights over the upbringing and education of their children, supporting moral abominations like coerced abortion, and draconian population control programs, and violating the moral and religious values of independent nations, isn't it time for taxpayers to challenge U.S. funding of this evil bureaucracy?

If you want to find out for yourself what the U.N. is up to, subscribe to the Friday Fax of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM). C-Fam's mission is "To defend life and family at international institutions and to publicize the debate." They have done a masterful job with a tiny staff of exposing the evil agenda at the U.N. that not only fails to protect the individual but works for his destruction, especially the most helpless little ones in the womb.

The Heritage Foundation also says it's Time to Rein in the U.N.'s Budget.  They propose that the Administration and Congress:
  • Announce that the U.S. is returning to the principle of zero real growth in the U.N. regular budget, 
  • Identify key reforms to improve budgetary constraint and insist that the U.N. adopt and implement them,  
  • Demand that large donors be given more influence over U.N. budgetary decisions and restore legislative withholding if the U.N. fails to adopt changes to that effect, and 
  • Demand increased transparency and accountability at the U.N.
These things sound reasonable and like a preliminary move toward reining in this out-of-control liberal monster. Something must be done. Archbishop Aguer is right about the United Nations as it is today, a tool of powerful interests who are promoting an ugly new world order that destroys the rights of the individual and "despises the poor." That moral and religious people are forced to pay for it with our taxes as it undermines our rights is an injustice that must be addressed.


  1. "Rein in the monster"? I think it's time to slay it outright. Its very existence is a violation of the principle of subsidiarity and only provides an infrastructure for One World Government by any dictator to occur. The Argentine Archbishop is correct, but what he's observing was inevitable. The UN is a humanist's dream-come-true and a nightmare for any real Christian. The US should get out of the UN altogether.

    UN = Useless Nincompoops

  2. Love your post! But it's progress if you can slow down a bolting horse. Whether we can kill it outright as things are at present I doubt, but we can pursue that goal along with the reining.
