Tuesday, November 30, 2010

St. Andrew the Apostle: First Called by Jesus

Today is the feast of St. Andrew the apostle, the first of the twelve to follow Jesus, the one who was always on the lookout to bring Him souls. Andrew and his friend John were disciples of John the Baptist. No sooner did John point out the Lamb of God to them, saying, "He must increase; I must decrease," than they immediately followed Jesus.

Andrew brought Peter to Jesus urging, "Come and see." And when Jesus asked the apostles if they had any food to give the hungry  crowd, it was Andrew who immediately responded by bringing the little boy with the loaves and fishes to the Master. When Philip met some Greek proselytes to Judaism who wished to see Jesus, he brought them first to Andrew. Andrew could always be counted on to lead others to Christ. And so he did, disappearing into the background in his profound humility after being the channel of grace for others.

How I love Andrew! Since I don't know my guardian angel's real name, I call him Andrew as a reminder that I want him to lead me straight to Jesus. And how appropriate it is when Andrew's feast day falls in early Advent, the season when we anticipate the coming of Christ and strive to draw nearer to Him. St. Andrew invites us to spend Advent coming to see Christ in all his innocence as the babe in the manger; in his ministry as prophet, priest, and king; in his suffering and death on the cross; and anticipating his coming at the end of the world as judge.

Let us spend this Advent like St. Andrew inviting others to "Come and see" the wonder that is Jesus Christ our saving Lord. Come, Lord Jesus! St. Andrew, pray for us.

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