Friday, January 21, 2011

Hatred of the Catholic Church is always in Season!

A Toronto art museum is scheduled to display a bullet-riddled picture of the pope. The same exhibit shows Obama as a Christ figure, nailed to a cross, ``a victim, crucified in the wake of special and distorted interests" according to the museum. Do you suppose...Is it just possible that the exhibit was put together by liberals with an agenda? Do you notice the tolerance, compassion, and warm, fuzzy love of the liberal left once again?
Read the article here. What do you think?
Consider that in Canada, hate speech is illegal. Apparently depicting your wish that the pope be plugged in the head (like Congressperson Giffords?) is perfectly fine in the land of politically correct liberalism. Now if the picture depicted a nude gay draped in the rainbow flag that would be a different story and the museum would be draggled into the human rights court to answer for their crimes.
If you'd like to protest, here is the contact information for the museum. You can read my letter below the picture:
President Darrell Brown

Gallery Director Lyudmila Bezpala-Brown

Gallery Manager Fariz Kovalchuk

Dear Bezpala Brown Gallery: 

Wow! I thought hate speech in Canada was illegal. If you were portraying a homosexual draped in a rainbow flag riddled with bullets, I’m guessing you would immediately be dragged before the human rights commission to answer for your hate crime. In view of the fact that the pope is the leader of the Catholic Church and our spiritual father, you have attacked the entire family with this egregious piece.

As a Catholic I can almost imagine myself in the crosshairs of your (I hope) imaginary gun. The fact that the same exhibit portrays Obama as a persecuted Christ figure makes your political agenda as clear as glass. I wonder how much hatred against Catholics this exhibit will incite. It reminds me of the propaganda war against Jews at the rise of the Third Reich.

I’m sending this information far and wide and I hope that Canadian Catholics will report it as a hate crime!


Mary Ann Kreitzer


  1. Sorry. It's not hate speech if the artist is gay.

  2. If this isn't a hate crime,what is?

  3. I guess one of the archaic policies the artist objects to is the no artificial contraception policy, especially the poisonous Birthcontrol Pill that helps give women early breast cancer and sometimes is an abortifacient. It seems to me that the Holy Father and the victims, both women and children, of the Pill are the ones on the Cross. Obama when a senator could not even find the compassion to sign a law protecting children who were born alive from abortion. I think those children seem to be some of the ones on the Cross, too. What a ridiculously false impression the artist paints.
