Saturday, January 8, 2011

Liberal Bloggers Already Blaming Conservatives for Shooting in Arizona

A mass murderer in Arizona killed at least five and wounded a number of others this morning at a political event organized by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords was shot in the head, but is expected to recover. A federal judge, John Roll, was among the dead. (See here.)

The smoke hadn't cleared at the scene before liberals blamed Sarah Palin and the tea party for the shooting. The mass murder is a tragedy, but isn't it prudent to get the facts before gathering the lynch mob? If one disagrees with liberalism he is automatically accused of inciting murder and is lynched in the liberal press (or on the liberal blogs). And the Huffington Post isn't exactly a model of restraint when it comes to rhetoric!

The man arrested at the scene, Jared Loughner, has a strange video on the internet that makes him sound mentally ill. Most of these mass murderers are just that -- crazy (or Muslim fanatics)! And yet the liberal M.O. is to immediately accuse those who disagree with them of being partners and instigators of the crime. The hypocrisy of the left is astounding. No one on the left dissented when the Department of Homeland Security labled peaceful pro-lifers "domestic terrorists." They just nodded in agreement despite the fact that the pro-life movement is the most peaceful social movement in history. On the other hand, when Ronald Reagan was shot, the right didn't immediately accuse the left of fomenting the attack.

Liberals need to take a deep breath and let the police do their job. Unfortunately, that isn't likely to happen because designating your opponent as a "hatemonger" and  "enemy" is an acceptable staple of liberalism. The homosexual movement calls the strategy "jamming." The jamming against Sarah Palin and the tea party has begun. It illustrates the left's aphorism that "a crisis is a terrible thing to waste."

A better approach to a tragedy like this is to immediately pray for the dead, asking God's mercy on them and for the survivors and all the families affected. Blaming those who had nothing to do with the event is the equivalent of throwing gasoline on a fire. It's unjust and pointless.


  1. ..."a crisis is a terrible thing to waste". You say that liberals are guilty of exploiting bad situations? Do you remember that thing a few years ago with the planes and some towers in new york city? the republican party became a ONE issue party! EVERYTHING they wanted to push through the legislature but couldnt, was now possible, and EASY! want something done? just drop 2 numbers. 9/11.

  2. Couldn't agree with you more The neo-conservatives used 9/11 to get Bush to inaugurate the invasion of Iraq, a disaster! And they won't be happy until we invade Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. The Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security are the biggest threat to our freedoms currently on the blotter. The liberals and the neo-cons have a lot in common. They both love big government and consider Americans cogs in their machines.

  3. From what I have read and heard the gunman was a Democrat, and he not only shot Giffords, but he also shot and killed a Repubican judge. How are the liberals going to spin that one?

  4. He was a nut. The fact that he was a liberal nut only accounts for the nature of the victims. His target was a middle-of-the-road Democrat whom the Daily Kos had put a gun-sight over marking her every bit as much as anything Sarah Palin did, which was just focus on the desire to defeat her in an election.

    No charge is too fantastic for the idiots in media these days. We need to restore both civility and rationality, but it looks like an uphill battle.

  5. He was a liberal? How so? It has been revealed that he had been following politics and was upset over the passage of the health care bill. This means he was an opponent of the health care bill. This means he could not have been a liberal.

    You conservatives fail to recognize that virtually all the violence and threats and inflammatory language that we see in politics comes from the right. Now, before you starting complaining, I can prove this easily. Anyone can. All they have to do is to listen to guys like Beck.

    If the shooter was a liberal then so is Beck and Palin.

    Have any liberals been shooting abortion doctors? No. Only conservatives. Any liberals also evangelical christians? A few, maybe.

    No folks, liberals tend to be non violent. I've never seen a group of conservatives protesting a war but liberals do it all the time. Liberals do not like violence and do not advocate it.

    If you believe otherwise then the next time you make that sort of statement, for once, give up with some verifiable hard evidence.

    It's OK to be a conservative. Most are good people. It's not OK to be a liar.

  6. Ever hear of the Black Panthers or the Weather Underground? Remember the violence at the Democratic Convention in Chicago? The greenies spiking trees that injure and kill loggers? How about the way violence breaks out after basketball games. Are you telling me the college students who set fire to cars and break windows and attack police are conservative? Here's a url describing LIBERAL violence.

    As for the anti-war movement being against violence, you have a short memory. I lived through the Vietnam War when returning vets were spat on and called baby killers, not to mention confrontations with the police.

    Your picture of the non-violent flower children is a joke!

  7. James, where were you during the health care debate? Plenty of liberals opposed the bill because they didn't think it went far enough. Disgruntled liberals abounded when the public option was stripped from the bill. Before rushing to conclusions, please know what you are talking about.

  8. @Jim ... Liberals non violent ... hahahahahaha You have got to be kidding. Bill Ayers and bombing, the Weather Underground, the Students for a Democratic Society, the tree spikers, how about the little movie about the assassination of President Bush in 1977. ...

    Keep the narrative going right? Ignore the man behind the curtain.

    Here are some quotes from our president (not exactly a conservative):
    Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
    Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
    Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
    Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
    Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
    Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
    Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
    Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
    Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”
    -- I guess we have a different definition of violence. Almost all the public violence in my life has come from the left. What are you smoking? must be good stuff.
