Sunday, January 23, 2011

Meditation for Sunday: Give Glory to God!

Looks like some sanity may be returning to our Sunday worship when the new translation goes into effect at the beginning of Advent. Here is the new ICEL translation of the Gloria in Gregorian Chant. Sure beats the tambourine and foot tapping modern versions that would be more appropriate for the music hall dance concert. And Gregorian Chant is easy. I was singing it in the choir when I was in fourth grade. So, please, no more about how it will discourage participation. It brings dignity and ceremony back into our worship. Shouldn't the worship of God be different than our date-night entertainment?

Praised be Jesus Christ! Both now and forever.


  1. This is not genuine Gregorian chant, which is far more interesting and subtle, rhythmically and melodically, than this modern ersatz. If you want Gregorian, get out your Liber and do it in Latin (handy translations readily available).

  2. I'm no chant expert but it sounds like Gregorian Chant to me. I looked up the definition and this is what I found: "plainsong, plainchant, a repetitive song in which as many syllables as necessary are assigned to a single tone."

    Sure comes a lot closer to Gregorian Chant than Gather Us In. And I'm all for Latin, but if you can accustomize those prejudiced against it by beginning with this, I'm all for it!

  3. Is this going to be mandatory? I have been reading about some of the response changes and changes to the Eucharistic prayer, but hadn't heard about this.

    I hope that much of the more modern music stays - I enjoy singing with our choir and we all find the modern music very spiritual and so many more people participate. Our "traditional" music Mass is our least attended. Plus, we just bought a new drum set. :)

  4. I hope you're joking about the drum set. They've never been allowed for use at Mass although there are plenty of places that have ignored the rules. I felt physically ill after one Mass I attended in Texas where they used drums and bass. I had to leave before the end of the closing hymn.

  5. I understand the changes will be mandatory. Deo gratias!

  6. Mary Ann, if you really want an ear ache, go to "Throw The Bums Out" and watch the video of Bono singing at Sargent Shriver's funeral.
