Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Warning: X-Rated Liberal Hate Speech Targeting Sarah Palin

The thing I love about the liberal left is that they consistently set down rules for other people. But they are exempt. Take their call for civility. The video below exemplifies exactly how civil they are. Oh...maybe it was made by some conservatives trying to make liberals look bad.  We all know they are kind, considerate, compassionate...oh and warm, and fuzzy. Say a prayer for a liberal today -- that their moms will wash their mouths out with soap.


  1. I watched it - and then the replay button appeared. I hadn't the courage to push it. I've never seen such raw hatred. I don't want to believe it but I have to.


    This liberal hopes Sarah Palin runs for president. Obama will be guaranteed to win! I don't wish her harm.

    Go back to spewing your homophobic hate. Isn't that what Catholics do?

  3. I am a Catholic and a liberal but I do not espouse crudity. I've never heard of this group but it is unfair to group all those who favor the left in with those whose aim is obviously to incite. I'm sure you realize this, just as I am sure that not every conservative is a gun-toting yahoo, which is the kindest thing I can think of to call Sarah Palin. If I wanted to be really scared and upset, I'd imagine her as President of our great nation.

  4. I'm still laughing about your post, Steve.

    Leave it to a liberal to use an embarrassing post showing liberal hatred for Sarah Palin to attack not only me, but every Catholic on the planet.

    But I guess "spewing your [Cathophobic] hate" is what liberal bigots do.

  5. Anonymous, I agree that the Twitter comments don't stand for every liberal and in fact some sensible ones have condemned the knee-jerk blame game that begin before the smoke cleared. HOWEVER, the mainstream media went into a concerted effort to blame Sarah Palin, et al that is undeniable.

    I don't recall conservatives engaging in the same blame game after the Unabomber attacks.
