Friday, February 18, 2011

A Bumper Sticker That's Totally on Target! And Work to Defund Planned Parenthood!

Get involved! Join the Tea Party Revolution and work for real conservatives. For starters, call your Senators and ask them to support the House vote to defund Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion provider in the world. The Capitol Switchboard number is 202-224-3121. To find direct contact information go to the U.S. Senate website. (Hugs to Martina, my daughter-in-law, who posted this on Facebook. Love ya, sweetie!)



    If men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament

  2. Your sick cartoon could substitute any class of citizens murdered by those who find them undesirable. How 'bout one showing Nazi soldiers forcing Jews into the gas ovens with the same caption? Oh, I forgot, that's politically incorrect.

    As for men and abortion, it's the biggest cop-out for them that ever came down the pike. Show me a male chauvinist pig and I'll show you a man who enjoys his sweet little sex object and then takes her down to the recycling center to get her cleaned out. I sidewalked counseled for years and I've seen many men outside abortion mills practically dragging the women inside. When I spoke to women, the man often said, "SHE's already decided. What they really meant is THEY had decided and weren't about to let her change her mind. Hey, they might have to pay child support. A major cause of death in pregnant women is murder, often by boyfriends who don't want the baby. In Maryland, it's the leading cause.
