Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gardasil Death and Illness Statistics Still Rising

It's time for a class action lawsuit against the pharmacy company that produces Gardasil. That's Merck which is committed to the culture of death. Merck produces chemical contraceptives which can cause abortions. They also stopped producing vaccines from moral sources several years ago and now offer only those developed from aborted babies. Merck is on the latest Life Decisions International boycott list. Merck is one of the reasons we will not own any stocks in pharmaceuticals. Too many are up to their eyeballs in promoting death. As for school systems that require this vaccine, parents need to fight for the sake of their children. How do you think the parents of the 47 dead girls feel, or those whose children are damaged for life? They are among the casualties of the sexual revolution that refuses to encourage abstinence but will vaccinate 6th graders (12 years old!) with a dangerous drug because of sexual promiscuity that is promoted in the schools through Planned Parenthood and their sex ed propaganda.

1 comment:

  1. The death toll is now up to 95, and the injuries keep climbing. Our daughter is now approaching her fourth year of suffering effects from Gardasil. She was so very happy and healthy before Gardasil. Now she struggles to get through each day in terrible pain, loss of feeling in her legs, citric acid now causes seizures and swelling of her body/throat; swelling at the base of her skull has been ongoing since her second HPV injection, constnat migraines, nausea, blurred vision/enlarged pupils, can't tolerate sunlight, and the nightmare goes on.
