Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are Faithful Catholics Bullies When They Criticize Homosexual Behavior?

I've been accused more than once of being "hateful," "homophobic," and "a bully" for standing with the Church against immoral homosexual activity.  But last Tuesday at the U.N. a Vatican official said the same thing:
A Vatican representative to the United Nations spoke out today against “attacks” on freedom of conscience and religion, directed against Catholics and others who hold traditional beliefs about sexual morality and human nature.

Archbishop Silvano M. Tomasi spoke out in a March 22 meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Council, calling attention to what he described as a “disturbing trend” in debates over social life and human rights.

“People are being attacked for taking positions that do not support sexual behavior between people of the same sex,” Archbishop Tomasi told the council.

“When they express their moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature, which may also be expressions of religious convictions, or state opinions about scientific claims, they are stigmatized, and worse – they are vilified, and prosecuted.”

The archbishop stated that these attempts to silence Catholics, and other critics of homosexual practice, were a human rights violation according to the council's own standards. See more....
The Archbishop made the distinction between people's thoughts and feelings and their behavior. Countries cannot, he said, regulate the former, but the latter must be regulated because sexual activity has a moral dimension. Some activities must be restricted. He gave the examples of incest and pedophilia.

Homosexual activists are working hard to stifle criticism of their activies defining it as "hate speech." In Canada they have been so successful that Christians quoting the Bible about homosexual practices have been fined and imprisoned. Will it happen here? We're moving in that direction as "gay" activists "jam" anyone who dares to call their behavior immoral.

Sometimes the truth hurts. But not speaking it hurts more when souls and lives are at stake.


  1. Well said, Mary Ann. Thanks! I can see the day coming when what's happening in Canada will happen here in the States. And unless I'm very wrong, it will happen because of a single federal court decision, like Roe did.

  2. I agree that any sexual act involving children is obscene. However, I am tired of people portraying all homosexuals as pedophiles. There are plenty of heterosexual pedophiles out there - or people who would consider themselves heterosexual but do not distinguish gender so much in their victims as they do their youth. Sex is for adults, period.

    I know you believe differently and truly think that homosexuals are evil and that they have no place in your society. You can quote statistics to back yourself up and this is, obviously, your show, so no one else is going to get in the last word. But I think the bishop has a good point - you may not be able to control what you think or believe. But you can certainly control your actions and what you say out loud. We need laws to protect those who are born homosexual, who live out their lives obeying laws, working hard, and who want nothing more than the basic right to do so with the person that they love, but who are discriminated against on a daily basis.

    You say you feel discriminated against as a Christian for not being able to spread your version of 'truth.' I don't think you have any idea what it truly means to be discriminated against. You are just as guilty of trying to push your 'agenda' as you criticize others as being.

    Why do I bother posting to your blog? Because I think you need to know that there are people who are just as catholic, heterosexual, and married as you who think you are wrong. I do not want to be painted as the same as you simply because we share a religion. I am not trying to change your mind and I know you won't change mine. I just feel called to respond.

  3. Homosexual acts are evil. Abortion is evil too and both prey on children.

    I'm puzzled by your response, however. It appears you believe the Christians jailed in Canada for "hate speech" for quoting the Bible deserved it. Am I wrong?

    I've been in jail several times for trying to save the lives of unborn children at abortion mills. It will not surprise me if I end up in jail for "hate speech" before I die. But I'm guessing you think I would deserve it.

    As for being Catholic, the Church teaches that homosexual acts are gravely disordered and immoral. Catholics uphold Church teaching unless they are cafeteria Catholics who pick and choose the doctrines that suit their taste.

    I don't hate homosexuals. I respect the ones I know who are trying to live chaste lives. I pity the ones enslaved to their lust and I fight the activists who are trying to change the laws to give them special privileges.

    As for homosexuals being discriminated against that's nonsense these days. They are a privileged group. Theme parks have gay days. (They don't have pro-life days.) Homosexuals force Christians to photograph and cater their "weddings" against their consciences. Advertisers create special marketing for them. They are "out and proud" and they go after anyone who challenges their agenda. Just look at the retaliation against those who supported Proposition 8 in California. And they just got Apple to pull two Christian apps that "offend them."

    You demonstrate the adage that if you put a frog in boiling water he'll jump out, but if you put him in cold water and heat it up gradually he'll swim around until cooked. Read After the Ball by Kirk and Madsen, two homosexuals who developed the strategy for selling their perversion to society. Many have swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

  4. Excellent response to the misguided Anna Downey, Mary Ann!

  5. Thanks, Matt. It's always a pleasure to have you visiting.

  6. Great article I just happen to stumble upon it. I am man with same-sex inclinations I am catholic and chaste. I have a copy of the book after the ball. You are exactly right. I hated I mean hated within gay circles-I am an uncle Tom. We must understand one thing the real issue is not gay marriage but the condoning of the gay lifestyle. Homosexual groups are actually advocating the criminalization of Christianity. We will be fine, put in jail or worse- the days of S and G are upon us. I was deeply involved in the homosexual lifestyle and thank God I survived it. It is not a healthy place to be. The promiscuity that exist and gay advocacy groups know it but keep it secret is bewildering. I would guess most active gay persons view homosexuality as their god or religion--to them nothing else matters it is an obsession. That is the truth..anyways thanks

  7. Thank you, Davide, and God bless you for your witness. I know others with same-sex attraction who say the same thing. May God fill your life with chaste friendships and much joy.
