Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bishop Matthew Clark Still Promoting Homosexual Priests

You would think the homosexual abuse scandal in the Church never happened to listen to Bishop Matthew Clark of Rochester. He's trying to claim that the Vatican's 2005 statement didn't really mean homosexuals shouldn't enter the seminary. Read more here about Bishop Clark and pray that the Vatican accepts his resignation the minute he turns the mandatory retirement age of 75 in July 2012. If he leaves early, all the better!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mary: I was just thinking this morning, a propos of yesterday's post on Mundabor (which I recommend to you, that is, the site in general) that the Bishops are really the weakest link in the Church militant. Consiider the Arian troubles: the majority of the Bishops became Arians, Athanasius had very few allies. Then look at England. If I remember right, there were two other Bishops besides Fisher who didn't go along with Henry's lust-driven heresy--all the rest were just happy to keep their jobs and palaces. And poor France: for the whole of the post-Trent period through 1789, those Bishops allied themselves with the several dissolute, war mongering monarchs. If, instead, they had made themselves the guardians of the Church's real treasure--the poor--there would not have been a Revolution and the consequent free-fall into liberalism and modernity--the sum of all heresies. And now, in all the western nations, they are spiritually aligned with the liberals.
    Thanks be to God, there are witnesses in every station and in every age. Cardinal Burke comes to mind. There's probably about one per state, on average.
    It's hard to think what should be done. Patience and prayer are all that seem to be there.
