Monday, March 21, 2011

In Wisconsin Republicans Get Death Threats

Did you hear about the death threats against Wisconsin senators? I sure didn't. You can bet you would have heard about it if the tea party movement made them against Democrats. The bullies our out in force in union T-shirts, but it's the kid gloves from the mainstream media.

Organized labor vs. the tea party by Henry Lamb:
A battle between organized labor and the tea parties is decidedly a one-sided battle. Organized labor receives regular income from every member, often deducted by the employer and paid directly to the labor union. National Education Association attorney, Bob Chanin says:

"The NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues each year. …"  [NB: Individuals often have no choice but are forced to join the union and pay dues to promote political parties and positions (like abortion) that they oppose.]

Tea parties, on the other hand, survive on the voluntary contributions of people who give to support their beliefs.

Labor unions can lease buses and print signs and pay members of other unions to stack their demonstrations. Tea-party members must take time off from work and make their own signs if they participate in demonstrations.

Labor union protesters, to some significant degree, are essentially mercenaries; Tea-party protesters are patriots. This gives tea parties a decided advantage. People who are motivated by principle, a sense of fairness, honor and respect for the God-given freedom guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution will win – in the long term.  Read more here....
The unions have sworn to keep up the fight. Of course they have! They are facing a real loss of power. If individuals have a right NOT to pay union dues, except for what goes to collective bargaining, the unions will lose millions that now go to buy politicians. We're always hearing about those evil CEOs. What about the evil union bosses?


  1. In some states a union worker can sign a paper stating that they only want their dues to go for collective bargaining for their salary and benefits and not into any political action committee,
    etc. I did that before I retired since I could not conscienciously vote for the politicians my union advocated since they were pro-abortion and anti-traditional family. I do not know how effective this is, but I think it might help some workers faced with the same situation. It is good for workers to get involved in their union and put in pro-life, pro-family people, but most of us are too busy, or are more in line with the Republican platform.

  2. If it works the way the United Way worked when you said you didn't want money to go to Planned Parenthood and the like, they said "no problem" and reduced the amounts to the place you favored and transferred other funds and it ended up not making any difference at all.

    They are liars and cheats. You can't trust them. They will say whatever they need to and then do what they want just like the rest of the liberal politicians do.

  3. Ray Schneider, I know what you mean. Once our union gave us a notice that the dues were going up again and said it had not gone up in about three to five years when it had gone up the year before the notice. A fellow co-worker, who was more for unions that I was, said to me, "Didn't the dues go up just last year?" I told her, "It sure (surely) did!" They must have thought we were really stupid, or never paid attention.
