Thursday, March 17, 2011

Joining the Legion of Mary for Lent

I've been a Legion of Mary auxiliary for seven or eight years which means I say the daily rosary and Legion prayers for the work and intentions of the active Legion. One of the things that motivated me to join the auxiliary was a conversation with Fr. Fran Peffley who said, "If you pray the rosary you receive the graces of the rosary, but if you are a member of the Legion Auxiliary you receive the graces of all the rosaries of legionairies all over the world." Wow! I can use all the graces in my spiritual bank that I can get.

For Lent I decided to try the active Legion. The active Legion commits two hours a week to a work assigned at the meeting. We go out two by two unannounced on an assortment of apostolic missions . Last week two of the men went to the prison and visited four cell blocks. I went with my partner to visit a parishioner who suffered a stroke and is temporarily in a nursing home. We stopped at the home of a new parishioner to welcome them and leave a new parishioner packet but noone was home. Then we went to talk to a nursing home administrator about making sure the parish gets called when people are seriously ill and in danger of death.

This week in addition to our regular works we are hosting the Lenten soup kitchen at our parish and will sponsor a book table. Other works include bringing the Pilgrim Virgin to homes in the parish and doing home enthronements of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Visiting door to door is a work that the founder of the Legion, Frank Duff, considered a central work. I'm not sure how I'll feel about that. My husband and I did it once when we were doing a parish canvas. Most people were civil but we experienced a few slammed doors. But I place all this work in the hands of the Blessed Mother. It's hers after all and she certainly knows the mind of her Son better than anyone. If we walk with Mary she always takes us straight to Jesus on the shortest path. Which is what those who think Catholics "worship Mary" don't understand. If Jesus was humble enough to enter the world through the "narrow gate" of the Blessed Mother, why would He not want his followers to come to Him through that same "narrow gate?" When we honor Mary we are obeying the fourth commandment and can anyone doubt that Jesus followed that command better than anyone? Loving Mary takes nothing from her Son. In fact, she teaches us how to love Him with her own undivided heart. Mary, Mother of the Savior, teach us how to pray.

1 comment:

  1. I was an active member of the Legion of Mary when I studied at Oxford. I regret that I had to quit soon after I joined because I didn't want to see so many 'being ill' persons in the hospital I was visiting. It was depressing, and I hated the smell of the hospital. Good for you that you became an active member in the Legion, Mary Ann. I am doing nothing for Lent with a pathetic excuse that I am a mother of three, too many things already in my plate. What is your suggestion for Lent for mothers in the world who are on their feet 24/7 with their children? What can get me out of that "excuse"?
