Saturday, March 5, 2011

Meditating on Lent: To Blog or not to Blog

I was thinking at morning Mass about Lent which starts on Wednesday. It is always a challenge to reflect on the path to holiness and how to get there. I've already decided to give up my evening video habit and stay off Facebook (which is no real sacrifice) and use the extra time to pray, read, and study. But then I wondered whether I should stop blogging altogether. It takes up a lot of time and, really, does it accomplish anything? Who knows?

But the next thought was a memory of one of my spiritual heroes, Fr. John Hardon, S.J. who died in 2000. I can't count the number of times I heard him say to groups things like, "Write, write, write. Write letters to the editor. Write letters to your children. Write books and write articles." In view of my high regard for Father and his wisdom, I'll continue to blog and pray for his intercession to do it better and with greater charity.

Another influence recently has been the approved apparitions in Champion, WI. I did an article about it in my latest Les Femmes newsletter (Winter issue) which is at the printers and will soon be in the mail and on the website. The message of the Blessed Mother to Adele Brise was "Teach the children." There's more than one way to teach. The internet is the biggest school in the world. It's also the biggest library and the biggest source of social contacts. I learn a lot from using it and I hope I offer at least a little to others who wander across my path, even if it's to visit for while engaging in argument (in the classical sense which means defending your position without acrimony).

My big prayer during Lent is to grow in charity through the Lenten trio of prayer, sacrifice, and almsgiving. I'll be offering my daily Mass and rosary for everyone who visits this site and hope you'll pray for me too. We are all brothers and sisters in the Lord no matter how vigorously we disagree.


  1. I AM VERY HAPPY that you've decided to blog, Mary Ann. Your blog is one of my two Catholic blogs which I regularly read. As a woman, mom, and wife, I appreciate your blog very much, and your views as a faithful Catholic help me much to be a faithful Catholic also. Please do keep up the good work thinking that there are many Catholic people like me out there who value your blog far more than you think. Perhaps, 'to blog' is your Lent penance - as you write not for yourself to indulge but to help others to keep the Faith. I will pray for you, Mary Ann.

  2. I was so touched by your post, Yunah. Thank you for your prayers. I will pray for you as well. May God reward you for your kindness.

  3. With regard to whether or not you should give blogging up for Lent: that is certainly between you and God. However, if the women in this house have any sway in your conversations with Him, we vote "no!"

    Your blog posts are a sane daily perspective for me on the Church and the culture. I don't have the time to surf the internet. You do it for me, filter out the junk, and show me what is most relevant.

    As a stay-at-home mother, I have a great desire to be in touch with what is going on "out there," even when the news is not encouraging. You help me do this. And sometimes, you just provide me with a much needed 10 minute cup-of-tea break amid the great joyful chaos of my day!!

    My oldest daughter (now 15) has also started reading your blog and has actually used your blog as a reference in some of her school papers.

    Last week, as my energy level was crashing at my usual 3pm "utter exhaustion hour," I sat down to the computer and pulled up your blog. I watched the video of the "flash" pro-life counter demonstration with all the children dancing, laughing and chanting with their yellow balloons while blasting the "shire" music. I watched and wept while 3 of my daughters watched the video over my shoulder.

    When they asked me why I was crying I told them that those children are the survivors or Roe vs. Wade. They didn't completely understand my tears, but the video certainly lifted me up and encouraged me to be more cheerful towards my children, despite my fatigue, and it gave me hope in the next generation!

    Your writing **does** make a difference to the women in this house. Please, don't require me to give up your blog for Lent!!!!!

    Blessings in Christ Jesus.

  4. If I would wish to do anything it's "teach the children" like Adele Brise. Thank you so much for your affirmation that my blog is doing that for your daughters.

    Your post brought tears to my eyes and gratitude in my heart!

    Prayers and hugs!

  5. ABSOLUTELY agree with "Anonymous"!! And I too was so cheered by the yellow balloons. I became so happy after I watched that video that my children wondered where I got all the energy back. Thank you, Mary Ann, and thank you, you all pro-lifers!!
