Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rand Paul Challenges Department of Energy on Denying Consumer Choice

I couldn't agree more. I hate the coiled fluerescent lightbulbs. I stocked up on the old bulbs but when my supply gives out I'll be stuck with those awful bulbs that don't give enough light. And who, pray tell, is going to come out and clean up the mercury spill if any of them break? Ms. Hogan?


  1. You are so right! Just wondering though if anyone happened to read "The Lenten sacrifice" in the March 10-16 issue of the Arlington Catholic Herald written by Nancy Frazier O'Brien? Also included is a list of "Actions for Lent" that "we Catholics" need to be taking as "Sacrificial Steps to Save the Planet" . . . aka, "Mother Earth"! What an outrage! I am writing a response to this nonsense but I doubt it will be published! What infuriates me the most is how the article implies that the Pope is leading the way in this effort. Seriously?? The author cites the executive director of the "Catholic Coalition on Climate Change." Good Lord, I didn't even know there was such a thing . . . I attend Mass regularly but never even heard this "coalition" mentioned!! Guess if we're not following the advice of this coalition in our "Lenten sacrifice" (only use the "new and improved" compact fluorescent bulbs!) then we're failing as faithful Catholics! God help us!!

  2. Woo Hoo and Hoo Hah! He totally exposed her hypocrisy, and I love it! Thanks for posting that!
