Monday, April 18, 2011

Kmiec Submits Resignation as Ambassador of Malta

Barack Obama rewarded Douglas Kmiec with the embassy of Malta for betraying the Catholic faith and supporting his radically pro-abortion candidacy. But that's not all Kmiec did. He signed the letter of support by Soros-funded Catholics United for Kathleen Sebelius, an advocate of late-term abortion who had a special relationship with George Tiller...and there are other betrayals as well. Kmiec, sadly, is a Judas. And now he's found out exactly how loyal pro-abortion liars are when the rubber hits the road.

The State Department has trashed Kmiec's reputation because he took Obama's rhetoric about faith-based initiatives seriously and devoted time to working on it. Hillary's minions are giving him the mailed fist and the studded boot treatment -- no doubt Bill could clue him on that.

So Kmiec is resigning -- on the feast of the Blessed Mother no less, August 15th. Perhaps that's his way of trying to atone for his past errors. I hope so, but I wouldn't bet on it. His actions have been absolute head-shakers that show little evidence of the man who used to have a solid pro-life reputation. Well, that's been in shreds since he joined the Obama campaign and now his reputaion as a hard working professional is in shreds as well.

I'm finding it hard to have any sympathy for the man. See my previous posts here and here. In his debate with Robert George at Catholic University, Kmiec came off like a lightweight thinker who was willing to sell the weak and helpless down the river and distort the truth to accomodate his politcal views. I hope he's learned that he was nothing but a patsy for the Democratic liars. I'll certainly pray for him. But when you've committed the kind of betrayal Kmiec has, you have a long way to go to earn back lost trust. And as far as I'm concerned that's impossible as long as he's still affiliated with faux Catholic groups who thrive on attacking fundamental doctrines.

If you want to let Kmiec speak for himself visit his blog. I'm afraid my gag reflex couldn't cope with some of it as I thought how he has aided and abeted the murder of the unborn. His speech at the Anne Frank exhibition was mind boggling when one considers that the holocaust against babies waiting to be born outstripped the Nazi atrocities in the first few years post Roe v. Wade. Here's what he said:
"Failure to love our neighbor is but a short distance from ignoring our neighbor. And that disregard of our neighbor is but a short distance from silently tolerating political, racial, gender, and other illicit forms of oppression and hate."
What about ripping bodies limb from limb? The closest parallel to what happens to the poor little ones in the womb are the photographs from the Rwanda genocide where people were cut down with machetes. And Kmiec has the gall to say "never again?" Actions speak louder than words, man!

As a mother and grandmother I am enraged at those who call themselves "pro-life" and say they are "devout Catholics" while they treat God's "least ones" as trash for the medical waste bin.

Pray for Doug Kmiec. Resigning on Our Lady's feast day will be just one more empty gesture unless he repents of betraying the little ones whom Jesus called to come to Him. If you want to be close to the Lord, defend the babies waiting to be born, Professor Kmiec. Jesus was one of them for nine months. Those who betray them, betray Him.


  1. I wish Kmiec the grace that Bernard Nathanson got. Pope Benedict fired away on Palm Sunday: Christ desires to bring all mankind to "the heights of God Himself...and yet the force of gravity which draws us down is powerful...Everything depends on our escaping the gravitational field of evil."

  2. "A man reaps what he sows"...consider Judas.
