Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Laugh of the Day: Four More Years of Obama?

I'm still rolling on the floor laughing. Whoever wrote this ad for the NRSC is brilliant! Not only that, but it's a tactic from the community organizer's bag of tricks: ridicule your opponent. There is sure plenty to ridicule in Obama's first two years in office. Pass this one around.  


  1. This ad is fantastic! I laughed so hard the first time I saw this ad I thought that I was going to fall out of my chair. I hope they come up with additional ads similar to this one.

  2. Who will be better in 2012? Michelle Bachman? Rand Paul? Mitt Romney? No one can unify the incredibly diverse conservative base. I'm pretty sure you couldn't find a consensus even with your blog supporters. We've become so polarized as a nation, I don't think ANYONE could get anything done It's sad. And really, that ad was just more useless ridicule.

  3. I agree that the Republicans have a problem, but I don't agree that the ad is "useless ridicule." It exposes failure of the Obama presidency. He has no serious plan to reduce the deficit or to make us energy independent. He has acted like Nero, fiddling while the country burns. He and Michelle have engaged in expensive high profile vacations while millions in the country are out of work. He is absolutely clueless acting like a little boy in a candy store enjoying the perks of the presidency while engaging in policies that magnify our problems.

    I'm praying for a leader to rise up to oppose him. For good or ill, I suspect we'll get the leader we deserve.

  4. What? Let's see, in addition to dealing with huge economic problems that HE INHERITED from the previous administration, including keeping the banking industry from complete collapse and helping over 90% of Americans have health insurance, President Obama has: dealt with an H1N1 epidemic, started bringing troops home from Iraq, expanded the war in Afghanistan, named two Supreme Court justices, took at least 14 foreign trips to 23 countries, met with 93 foreign leaders, signed a nuclear-arms treaty with Russia, hosted 47 nations in a nuclear-proliferation summit in Washington and marshaled federal forces to deal with the worst oil spill in history. And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

    You may not agree with what he does, but to say that he "engages in high profile vacations while millions in this country are out of work" shows little understanding of what a tough job he has and is doing. I'd be more upset if that man didn't play a round of golf every so often. Let's not forget his predecessor, who took more vacation time than any other president in history. In fact, Presidents Reagan and Bush senior also took more vacation than our current president. You can call him out for your policy disagreements, but not that.

  5. Are you serious? H1N1? The Gulf Oil Spill? Both are examples of massive incompetence. The flu scare was exactly that with untested vaccines being produced by the millions and the public (including medical staff) fearing to take them.

    Obama's reaction to the Gulf Oil Spill can be summed up by his stupid "kidk ass" statement. The refusal of other countries' offers to bring in special equipment was irresponsible and BP couldn't accept the help without the administration lifting bans on foreign activity within our waters. It took weeks before they finally did it while oil continued to gush.

    The bailouts have been disastrous and the level of spending is bringing us to the edge of economic ruin -- not to mention the amount of pork barrel spending in the details of all those bills.

    I was never a Bush fan. He was Obama light in the spending department, but at least he wasn't expanding committed to the murder of unborn children like Obama.

    As for vacations, Bush and Reagan went to their ranches where they often hosted foreign guests and engaged in "working vacations." They did not treat Airforce 1 as their personal taxi service for a Broadway night in New York. And I'm not aware that Laura took off with the twins for exotic European vacations.

    As for the arms treaty, the concessions made by the U.S. all benefitted Russia including how nuclear warheads are counted. Whether we are more secure as a result is seriously debatable.

    But you forgot "cash for clunkers." No doubt you consider that a high point for Obama as well.

  6. In response to Jen Smith . . . what flavor of Kool Aid is that you're drinking???!!!
