Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Trump Pro-Life? Actions Speak Louder than Words

Donald Trump pro-life? I seriously doubt it. Pro-lifers don't support radical pro-aborts like Rahm Emanuel with $50,000 donations. And Hillary Clinton?

No...I think Donald Trump's pro-life "conversion" is self-serving and not very deep if it isn't a total sham. As for his running for president...well, it's April after all and maybe it's a long running April Fool's joke. The man is a publicity hound and what better way to get publicity than to play the White House card and get on the eligibility bandwagon. But if any of this is for real I'll be surprised.

Pray for the man, though. Wouldn't it be great if he really became 100% pro-life and put his money at the service of Our Lord. He could save a lot of babies! Read more here....


  1. I also hope that he's sincerely pro-life. I think he loves America (unlike POTUS), and he appears to understand who our enemies are (China...duh) and how to free us from the arab oil cartel.

  2. One advantage Trump has is that's he's not beholding to anyone ... with a personal fortune over 3 billion dollars he's not in anyone's pocket.

    So far he actually looks to me like a more credible candidate than most of the usual suspects.

  3. You are wise not to be fooled by this wolf suddenly wearing sheep's clothing. The Donald is first and foremost interested in himself and his own agenda. If you are looking for a more moral candidate... he is not the place to start.

  4. If you ask me, this whole thing is a rouse. It is meant to portray Conservatives as conspiracy theorists with a front-liner by the name of Donald Trump.

    They are wanting the birth certificate issue to play a big role in the Republican Primary Debates, so that they can clear the playing field of serious contenders, while the Neo-cons like Romney et al get front and center.

    I think everybody should distance themselves from Trump. He is being sold as a revamped Conservative. I don't believe it in a second. Too quickly and too much.

    They think this is a game, but it is not. They are laughing.

